The Day

Well-meaning grandmothe­r is criticized for helping too much

- By Abigail Van Buren

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are not on the same page about helping with the grandkids. We moved here six years ago to be closer to my daughter, her husband and their two daughters. The older one is 9, and the younger is 6.

Although the 6-year-old has multiple physical challenges and developmen­tal delays, our son-in-law thinks “we” babysit far too often. My intention is to help my daughter with the challenges that a special needs child presents to the family. Mostly, I am the one providing the care; my husband does the minimum.

Every time I agree to watch the children, I feel huge stress because I know my son-inlaw will complain about it. It’s tearing me apart. Thank you for listening. Just writing this helps.


DEAR HELPING: I agree that parenting a child with special needs is challengin­g. You are a loving, caring mother and grandmothe­r, but this is something your daughter and her husband have to reach a meeting of the minds about. The last thing she needs is dissension in her household. Counseling for them might help your son-in-law understand that your daughter’s health might be compromise­d if she does everything herself. Some sort of compromise about your level of involvemen­t could be key.

As to your husband, I’m not sure what more you think he should be doing. He agreed to move closer to your daughter so you could help her. It has to have been disruptive for him. Please give him points for that, because I do.

DEAR ABBY: I have a couple of weddings coming up, and I have a small dilemma. They are both in my husband’s family and only a month apart. One is his brother’s, and the other is his cousin’s. My question is, can I wear the same dress to both weddings?

I normally don’t care about what people think, but I also don’t want to be the subject of ridicule or scorn at a family event. I’ll also add, it’s not about financial concerns. It’s just that it’s a beautiful dress, and I really don’t see the point in going out and getting another fancy dress. I worry about pictures at both weddings. I guess I’m confused and could really use some advice.


DEAR BEAUTIFUL DRESS: You are not a Hollywood actress during awards season, who “must” have a radically different look for each ceremony. Your family weddings are special events, but there is no reason you can’t use the dress you have in mind for both. If you’re afraid it may cause a problem in wedding photos, consider accessoriz­ing your dress differentl­y for each one — gold jewelry for the first, silver for the second and a different colored shawl or wrap. I’m sure you can pull this off. Please write back and let me know.

CONFIDENTI­AL TO MY IRISH FRIENDS: May you always have A sunbeam to warm you Good luck to charm you And a sheltering angel So nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you Faithful friends near you And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you. HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY! — LOVE, ABBY

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