The Day

New York imposes drastic restrictio­ns.

State and NYC become latest hot spots in fight to contain virus


New York — No more play dates, no more picnics in the park with friends, no more pickup games of basketball. No more commuting or using public transport — unless absolutely essential. New York is implementi­ng dramatic restrictio­ns Sunday in an attempt to slow a pandemic that has swept across the globe and threatened to make the state one of the world’s biggest coronaviru­s hot spots.

As case numbers soar — or in anticipati­on that they will — officials worldwide warned of a critical shortage of medical supplies. Spain was erecting a field hospital in a convention center, British health workers pleaded for more gear, saying they felt like “cannon fodder,” and President Donald Trump ordered mobile hospital centers be sent to Washington, California and New York.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Friday ordered all nonessenti­al businesses in the state to close and nonessenti­al workers to stay home, tightening even further restrictio­ns put in place earlier in the week. The order takes effect at 8 p.m. Sunday, but officials were urging New Yorkers to start following it immediatel­y.

Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio also called for getting everything from masks to gowns, as well as doctors and other medical workers to New York. De Blasio on Sunday asked Trump to have the U.S. military take over the logistics of making and distributi­ng medical supplies. Cuomo warned that hard-hit states are outbidding one another for ever scarcer supplies, sometimes doubling or tripling prices.

“I can’t be blunt enough. If the president doesn’t act, people will die who could have lived otherwise,” de Blasio told NBC’s “Meet The Press.”

The top infectious disease expert in the U.S. promised New York City and the other hardest-hit places that critical supplies will not run out.

The medical supplies are about to start pouring in and will be “clearly directed to those hot spots that need it most,” Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, said on CBS’ “Face The Nation.”

Hours later, Trump said he had ordered the Federal Emergency Management Agency to ship mobile hospital centers to Washington, California and New York. For New York, that would mean another 1,000 hospital beds.

“No American is alone as long as we are united,” Trump said.

Meanwhile, the U.S. Senate turned back a potential $1.4 trillion aid package on a procedural vote. Democrats argued it was tilted toward corporatio­ns rather than workers and health care providers. But negotiatio­ns continued.

The delay shook investors, as futures for U.S. stocks fell sharply at the start of trading Sunday. Futures for the S&P 500 fell by 5%, triggering a halt in trading shortly after opening. Wall Street is coming off its worst week since 2008, with the Dow down 17%, many restaurant­s and bars nationwide closed and large swaths of the economy suddenly ground to a halt.

Worldwide, more than 330,000 people have been infected and nearly 14,400 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University. About 150 countries now have confirmed cases.

There were more than 33,000 cases across the U.S. and more than 400 deaths. New York state accounted for 117 deaths, mostly in New York City.

Epicenter of outbreak

On Sunday, New York passed Washington state, the initial epicenter of the U.S. outbreak, in the number of fatal cases.

For most people, the new coronaviru­s causes only mild or moderate symptoms, such as fever or coughing. For some, especially older adults and people with existing health problems, it can cause more severe illness, including pneumonia. Some 93,800 people have recovered, mostly in China.

Cuomo has told hospitals to figure out ways to increase their current beds by at least 50% because prediction­s from health officials are that COVID-19 cases needing advanced medical care will top 100,000 in New York state in the next month or so. Such a deluge could overwhelm hospitals in a state that has about 53,000 beds.

Hospitals started to feel the crush Sunday, creating emergency room overflows and dedicating COVID-19 wings, with officials in Brooklyn saying a number were becoming overwhelme­d.

Health care workers said they were being asked to reuse and ration disposable masks and gloves.

“The building is on fire,” said Dr. David J. Ores, describing the chaotic and ever-changing guidance medical profession­als have been given. “It’s a mad scramble.”

But in the face of an invisible threat rather than billowing smoke or blowing snow, New Yorkers were still gathering in large groups in parks, playing basketball or having block parties. Similar scenes played out around the country.

Some won’t take precaution­s

Cuomo expressed exasperati­on Sunday that people were still ignoring orders to stay away from one another, saying he’s still seeing people acting like it was just another spring weekend.

“It’s insensitiv­e. It’s arrogant. It’s self-destructiv­e. It’s disrespect­ful to other people,” Cuomo said. “It has to stop and it has to stop now.”

Along with the staggering numbers, there were individual reminders Sunday of the reach of the virus. Republican Rand Paul of Kentucky became the first U.S. senator to announce he was infected. Opera superstar Plácido Domingo announced he has COVID-19, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel put herself into quarantine after a doctor who gave her a vaccine tested positive.

Elsewhere in the world, the coronaviru­s raged on. Italy and Iran reported soaring new death tolls.

Italian Premier Giuseppe Conte went on live TV to announce that he was tightening the country’s lockdown. Italy now has more than 59,000 cases and 5,476 deaths.

‘‘We are facing the most serious crisis that the country has experience­d since World War II,’’ Conte told Italians during a broadcast at midnight.

Iran’s supreme leader refused U.S. assistance Sunday to fight the virus, citing an unfounded conspiracy theory that the outbreak could be an American plot. Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s comments came as Iran faces crushing U.S. sanctions over its nuclear actions. Iran says it has 1,685 deaths and 21,638 confirmed cases of the virus — a toll that experts from the World Health Organizati­on say is almost certainly under-reported.

In many parts of the United States, officials were sounding the same not that New York leaders were: Stay away from large gatherings.

 ?? WONG MAYE-E/AP PHOTO ?? A cyclist rides his bicycle down the middle of a street in downtown New York on Sunday. New York City’s mayor prepared Sunday to order his city behind closed doors in an attempt to slow a pandemic that has swept across the globe and threatened to make the city of 8.5 million one of the world’s biggest coronaviru­s hot spots.
WONG MAYE-E/AP PHOTO A cyclist rides his bicycle down the middle of a street in downtown New York on Sunday. New York City’s mayor prepared Sunday to order his city behind closed doors in an attempt to slow a pandemic that has swept across the globe and threatened to make the city of 8.5 million one of the world’s biggest coronaviru­s hot spots.
 ?? ROSS D. FRANKLIN/AP PHOTO ?? Due to the coronaviru­s, a parishione­r prays Sunday during a modest and shortened service at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Basilica in Phoenix.
ROSS D. FRANKLIN/AP PHOTO Due to the coronaviru­s, a parishione­r prays Sunday during a modest and shortened service at St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Basilica in Phoenix.

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