The Day

U.S. death toll surpasses China’s as New York brings in more help.

Emergency hospitals set up, more ambulances, paramedics for city


New York — The U.S. death toll from the coronaviru­s climbed past 3,800 Tuesday, eclipsing China’s official count, as hard-hit New York City rushed to bring in more medical profession­als and ambulances and parked refrigerat­ed morgue trucks on the streets to collect the dead.

Public health experts at a briefing with President Donald Trump projected that the number of U.S. deaths could range from 100,000 to 240,000 even if Americans continue to stay home and limit contact with others. They said they hope the figure won’t soar that high if everyone does their part to prevent the virus from spreading.

“I want every American to be prepared for the hard days that lie ahead,” said Trump, who has extended social distancing guidelines to April 30. “We’re going to go through a very tough two weeks.”

Elsewhere around the world, hardhit Italy reported that the infection rate appears to be leveling off and new cases could start declining, but the crisis is far from over. Spain struggled to fend off the collapse of its hospital system. Vladimir Putin’s Russia moved to crack down on quarantine violations and “fake news” about the outbreak. And China edged closer to normal as stores in the epicenter city of Wuhan began reopening.

Worldwide, more than 850,000 people have been infected and over 42,000 have died, according to a tally kept by Johns Hopkins University. Italy and Spain accounted for half the deaths, while the U.S. had over 185,000 infections, with more dead than China’s official toll of about 3,300.

New York was the nation’s deadliest hot spot, with about 1,550 deaths statewide, most of them in New York City, which braced for things to get much worse in the coming weeks.

At Elmhurst Hospital in Queens, critically ill COVID-19 patients are filling intensive care units, surgical floors and operating rooms and waiting in the emergency room for beds to become available, said Dr. Eric Wei of the city’s hospital agency.

“I’ve practiced emergency medicine for a long time, and I’m seeing things that I never could have imagined in terms of the things this virus can do to all ages, including people who were previously healthy,” he said.

A 1,000-bed emergency hospital set up at the mammoth Javits Convention Center began taking non-coronaviru­s patients to help relieve the city’s overwhelme­d health system. A Navy hospital ship with 1,000 beds was expected to begin accepting patients. The indoor tennis center that is the site of the U.S. Open tournament is being turned into a hospital, as well.

The city also worked to bring in 250 out-of-town ambulances and 500 paramedics to deal with a crush of emergency calls. The fire commission­er said ambulances are responding to double their normal daily total of 3,000 calls to 911. A five-day stretch last week was the busiest in the history of the city’s emergency services operation.

In addition, New York authoritie­s sought to bring on more volunteer health care profession­als and hoped to have them on board by Thursday. Nearly 80,000 former nurses, doctors and others are said to be stepping forward, and the governor said officials are doing background checks and otherwise making sure they’re fit for duty.

Around the city, workers in protective gear have been seen putting bodies of victims into refrigerat­ed trailers. At some hospitals, like Lenox Hill in Manhattan, the trucks are parked on streets, along sidewalks and in front of apartments. Cars and buses passed by as corpses were loaded by forklift at Brooklyn Hospital Center. People captured some of the scenes by cellphone.

“Nobody can even believe it,” Trump said about watching video footage from Elmhurst Hospital in New York. “I watched the doctors and the nurses walking into that hospital this morning. It’s like military people going into battle, going into war.”

Figures on deaths and infections around the world are supplied by government health authoritie­s and compiled by Johns Hopkins.

But the numbers are regarded with skepticism by public health experts because of different counting practices, a lack of testing in places, the numerous mild cases that have been missed, and perhaps government efforts to downplay the severity of the crisis.

For example, in Italy, where the death toll was put at about 12,400, the country’s emergency coordinato­r, Domenico Arcuri, acknowledg­ed that officials don’t have a handle on how many people are dying at home or in nursing homes.

“Nobody can even believe it. I watched the doctors and the nurses walking into that (Elmhurst) hospital this morning. It’s like military people going into battle, going into war.” PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP

 ?? MARY ALTAFFER AP PHOTO ?? A woman watches from a park bench as the Samaritan’s Purse crew and medical personnel work Tuesday on preparing to open a 68-bed emergency field hospital specially equipped with a respirator­y unit in New York’s Central Park.
MARY ALTAFFER AP PHOTO A woman watches from a park bench as the Samaritan’s Purse crew and medical personnel work Tuesday on preparing to open a 68-bed emergency field hospital specially equipped with a respirator­y unit in New York’s Central Park.

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