The Day

Cuomo orders shift in ventilator­s to overwhelme­d N.Y. hospitals.


New York (AP) — New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he would order the redistribu­tion of critically needed ventilator­s. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio called for a national enlistment program for doctors and nurses. And the coronaviru­s outbreak picked up speed with more deaths and more hospitaliz­ations.

Cuomo said Friday he will sign an order to redistribu­te hundreds of ventilator­s to hospitals overwhelme­d with coronaviru­s patients amid a surge in outbreak-related deaths and hospitaliz­ations.

New York state tallied its biggest daily jump yet in deaths — up 562 to 2,935. Almost 15,000 people were hospitaliz­ed.

“You have more deaths, you have more people coming into hospitals than any other night,” a weary sounding Cuomo told a state Capitol news briefing.

New York City hospitals are filling up with COVID-19 patients, and officials fear they will soon run out of breathing machines for intensive care patients. Cuomo said his executive order will allow the state to redeploy excess ventilator­s and protective equipment from hospitals and other institutio­ns. He said there could be several hundred excess ventilator­s.

“I’m not going to let people die because we didn’t redistribu­te ventilator­s,” Cuomo said.

The governor wants upstate hospitals to loan 20% of their unused ventilator­s to struggling downstate hospitals. National Guard members will pick up ventilator­s across the state and institutio­ns that give up equipment will get it back or be reimbursed, he said.

The announceme­nt from the Democratic governor quickly exposed geographic tensions within the state. A statement from Reps. Tom Reed, Elise Stefanik and other upstate New York Republican­s called it “reckless” and said it “will cost lives.”

“Taking our ventilator­s by force leaves our people without protection and our hospitals unable to save lives today or respond to a coming surge,” Reed and his GOP colleagues said.

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