The Day



What readers of thought of the Associated Press story reporting Sen. Mitch McConnell’s claim that the impeachmen­t and Senate trial of President Trump needlessly diverted attention away from dealing with the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Bullphooey.” — Elizabeth Sabilia

“McConnell always seems to have the answers weeks after the problem. Kentucky does not realize he is the problem along with his sidekick Rand Paul.” — Michael Donovan

“Moscow Mitch — The biggest Blubber head going. Anything coming out of his mouth is nothing but a joke.” — George Tryon

“Someone ought to tell Nancy Pelosi about the coronaviru­s outbreak, because her laser focus on pushing her political agenda suggests she’s unaware of it.” — Andrew Rogerson

“The Senate Majority Leader is looking for an excuse for inaction. Too bad that it is specious.” — John W. Sheehan

“Look at the calendar. The impeachmen­t trial ended on Feb. 5. In reality, it was over before it even started, thanks in large part to McConnell. The only drama was about whether there’d be any witnesses — and that ended on Jan. 31, when the Senate voted not to hear testimony. That left plenty of time to deal with the virus.” — Lucira Jane Nebelung

“Because we all know that Washington DC can only focus on one thing at a time. Really? I’m no genius but I saw it coming from January onwards, even while I was following the impeachmen­t debacle. McConnell’s excuses are ludicrous.” — Judith Redhead

“Let me play the D card on this one. Anytime spent on impeachmen­t issues on either side of the aisle is time that could or may have been time spent on getting prepared for a pandemic. So technicall­y the Senate majority leader is correct.” — John Benoit

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