The Day

How to help your pets stay sane in the time of pandemic

By clinging, chewing, barking or otherwise acting odd, pets are signaling their own struggles to cope with less privacy and more anxious people, animal behavioris­ts say.


Laura Herlihy says she’s always felt as if she has a Secret Service agent: her 75-pound dog, Cooper. He’s always first in any room she enters, appearing to check that the room is clear and safe.

Since Herlihy began sheltering in place due to the coronaviru­s, things have gotten even more intimate.

“I now take the dog into the bathroom with me,” said Herlihy, who lives in Arlington, Va. Her four cats don’t all get along and divide their time in a complex upstairs-downstairs rotation. Her husband also moves around the house during the workday. The one constant is the Labrador-shaped shadow at Herlihy’s side.

“It’s a new level of attached to my hip,” said Herlihy, the owner of a media and branding company.

Cooper’s behavior may be devoted, but it isn’t unusual. While some of our furry and feathered roommates seem to be living their best lives in the ceaseless presence of teleworkin­g owners, spending weeks cooped up with humans is stressful for other pets. By clinging, chewing, barking or otherwise acting odd, pets are signaling their own struggles to cope with less privacy and more anxious people, animal behavioris­ts say.

“Just like some humans love working at home and others can’t function without structure, and some people are binge eating and others aren’t — it’s exactly the same for pets,” said Marjie Alonso, executive director of the Internatio­nal Associatio­n of Animal Behavior Consultant­s. “Some are chill, some are stressed. We have to remember that they’re individual­s.”

All the closeness led to a surprising result for Lucy, a cockatiel who lives with the Nowka family in Lynn, Mass. Their veterinari­an had warned them not to get too affectiona­te with the bird, lest she grow attached to a suitor outside her species — a situation that can cause cockatiels and other pet birds to lay eggs.

But when school closed in March, 11-year-old Bruno Nowka’s shoulder became a more available perch, and Lucy began to spend many waking hours there. Two weeks into quarantine, the bird laid two unfertiliz­ed eggs.

“Our vet believes that the combinatio­n of it being spring and our being home all the time led to her thinking Bruno was her mate,” said Bruno’s father, Scott Nowka, a university professor. Nowka said the vet told them they were the third family in a week to come in for the same reason.

For other pets, lockdown life has brought unwelcome human contact. Emily Goodman, a media strategist in Orange, N.J., said her cats, Dude and Frankie, would prefer more social distance, especially from her 5-year-old son, Reuben. Without access to his friends, Reuben wants the cats to be his playmates; they do not oblige.

“We had to explain to him that the cats have their own lives and they just can’t snuggle on demand,” Goodman said.

The cats have expressed their discontent by vomiting more and scratching the sunroom couch with gusto, Goodman said. They have taken to sequesteri­ng upstairs until Reuben goes to bed, at which time they curl up on the couch with Goodman and her husband.

“When I used to leave for work, I’d tell Dude, ‘Enjoy the silence,’” Goodman said. “Now there is no silence, and our cats are not happy.”

Lucy, the cockatiel, is now on hormones to prevent egg-laying, and at the advice of their veterinari­an, the Nowka family is encouragin­g more independen­t behavior, removing her from their shoulders as soon she lands and covering her cage at 5 p.m.

Pets need safe places and stimulatin­g activities — with and without humans, behavioris­ts and trainers say.

Use food puzzles that make animals work for dinner, some experts suggest. Cats might enjoy heated blankets and a window perch. For dogs, consider taking breaks to run through sit, stay and other basic commands, said Laura Sharkey, owner of WOOFS! Dog Training Center in Arlington.

“Whatever parlor tricks you have, do them now,” she said. “It will give the dog the same amount of enrichment, fulfillmen­t and mental exercise as advanced tricks.”

At the same time, pet owners shouldn’t set attention and activity levels that won’t be maintained when working-from-home ends, said Mikel Delgado, a cat behavior researcher at the University of California at Davis. And because work needs to get done now, she said, owners should avoid working in areas their pets associate with cuddling and playing.

If the dog is barking during the Zoom meeting you’re doing from the couch, it may be because he considers it his play zone, she said. “All the cues are different now,” Delgado said.

Now is the time to prepare for the possibilit­y of separation anxiety, Alonso said.

“Make sure your pets have alone time,” she said. “Make something really good happen when you leave. If you start stuffing that Kong with mashed potatoes and roast beef every time you walk out the door, the dog is going to be like ‘Here’s your coat.’”

If you used to depart for work at a certain hour, go through the motions of gathering your bag, putting on your shoes and briefly leaving the house at that time, trainers say.

“Take a call from your car. Sit under a tree,” said Tracy Krulik, a Northern Virginia dog trainer who specialize­s in separation anxiety.

Dogs that were crated regularly before the pandemic should still spend some time alone in their crates, Sharkey said. “Crate training is about learning that being alone is OK and sometimes desirable,” she said.

“This is new for all of us. I encourage people to let their dogs help them make it easier. They want to help,” said Kim Greco, a dog trainer who owns Paws & Possibilit­ies in Annapolis, Maryland, and Staten Island, N.Y. “That means we have to be there for them, too. Now is the time to reinforce behaviors we want to see and can continue when this all over.”

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