The Day

Floyd’s death becomes a call to action

Police brutality victim honored at memorial


Minneapoli­s — A mural honoring George Floyd was projected above his golden coffin, where mourners knelt and cried, paused and prayed Thursday at his memorial service. Its simple message: “I can breathe now.”

But for far too many black Americans, dreams have been dashed and goals not achieved because they still cannot breathe, said the Rev. Al Sharpton, who eulogized Floyd in Minneapoli­s on Thursday.

“The reason we could never be who we wanted and dreamed to be is you kept your knee on our neck,” Sharpton said in reference to Floyd's May 25 arrest, during which a white Minneapoli­s police officer pressed his knee into the handcuffed black man's neck for several minutes even after Floyd stopped moving and pleading for air.

“What happened to Floyd happens every day in this county,” Sharpton said. “It's time for us to stand up in George's name and say, ‘Get your knee off our neck!'”

Floyd's memorial service was a send-off that his family felt he deserved — they paid heartfelt tribute to a man they affectiona­tely called “Perry.” With many of Minnesota's top elected leaders in the room, along with members of Congress, the service included strong calls for meaningful changes in policing and the criminal justice system.

During eulogy remarks, Sharpton revealed plans to hold a commemorat­ive march on Washington in August as part of a push for federal policing reforms.

“When we fight for the George Floyds of the world — and more importantl­y, the unknown George Floyds of the world — we are helping America be America for all Americans,” said Floyd family attorney Benjamin Crump, who listed off the names of other African American men and women killed by police.

Rep. Sheila Jackson-Lee, who represents Floyd’s native Houston and attended the service, said that she and other lawmakers on Thursday introduced police accountabi­lity legislatio­n named after Floyd. The measure calls for improved training for police department­s and standards for how the use of deadly force and misconduct are investigat­ed, among other aims.

“We have put a stop sign in front of America — there will be no more” unchecked killing by police, Jackson-Lee told The Associated Press. “I will never forget the words ‘I can’t breathe.’ America cannot allow people to die in the 21st century.”

She was among dozens of other politician­s, celebritie­s, civil rights activists and family members of Floyd who sang “Amazing Grace,” prayed and joined together in a rousing memorial that was a celebratio­n for a man whose death at the hands of police has sparked protests nationwide and calls for an end to racial injustice.

Inside the service, held in the Frank J. Lindquist sanctuary at North Central University, mourners wore masks, some with the words “I can’t breathe” on them. Organizers issued several reminders for attendees to keep some social distance. Many attendees bumped elbows rather than hug or shake hands, at the memorial taking place in the midst of the coronaviru­s pandemic.

It was not the coronaviru­s that killed Floyd, Crump said in his service remarks, but the “pandemic of racism and discrimina­tion.”

Floyd’s brother and other family members told personal stories about dancing, playing football, cooking and enjoying life together. They said he was also known by other endearing nicknames, such as “Georgie Porgie.”

“George, he was like a general,” brother Philonise Floyd said. “Every day he would walk outside there would be a line of people wanting to greet him . ... He was powerful, man. He had a way with words . ... Everybody loved George.”

Projected above the pulpit inside the sanctuary was the blue and orange mural that was painted at the site of a makeshift memorial in the neighborho­od where Floyd pleaded for air. A small band and choir sang “Goin’ Up Yonder” and other classic gospel songs as mourners gathered. Grammy Award-winning gospel singer Bishop Hezekiah Walker closed the service with the song “Every Praise.”

 ?? BEBETO MATTHEWS/AP PHOTO ?? Martin Luther King III takes a moment by George Floyd’s casket Thursday before a memorial service in Minneapoli­s.
BEBETO MATTHEWS/AP PHOTO Martin Luther King III takes a moment by George Floyd’s casket Thursday before a memorial service in Minneapoli­s.

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