The Day

Simmering chicken in chocolate milk sounds strange. Turns out, it’s delicious.


Ever read a recipe and think to yourself: This could be a delicious discovery, or it could be a disaster?

When I saw Tyler Kord’s Spicy Chocolate Milk-Simmered Chicken in “Food 52 Dynamite Chicken” (Ten Speed Press, 2019), I took one of those cocked-eyebrow pauses.

It is so simple — combine chocolate milk, jalapeños, chili powder and chicken in a skillet and simmer — that I knew it would be easy. I just wondered if there was enough there to create any complexity of flavor.

No one wants a plate of sweet, mushy chicken.

Still, I’m always on the lookout for a fresh approach to chicken. I cook with it often and, apparently, so do you, because poultry recipes draw LOTS of eyes and emails from readers. Often, I fall back on slight variations of tried-and-true recipes with onions, garlic, citrus and olive oil.

I knew I had to test this recipe to see if it lived up to Kord’s descriptio­n in the cookbook: “This chicken may just be one of the most interestin­g and weird-good things you will make from a cookbook.”

I wasn’t worried about the combinatio­n of flavors because, as Kord noted: “Chicken and chile and chocolate have a long and beautiful history in the form of mole, from the state of Puebla, Mexico.”

(I know you have had mole, and this is no mole — the complex, celebrated Mexican sauce that is made with traditiona­l techniques and beloved flavors that vary from family to family and region to region.) The flavor combinatio­n sounded promising. Another thing the dish had going for it: I have marinated and poached chicken in dairy and turned out juicy, flavorful pieces.

So, I made it and I knew it was good even before I tasted it. As soon as my dining partner dug in, I got that little moment of silence — first bite, second bite and then eye contact with little nods of approval. I love that moment. I wait for that moment — whether I’m cooking for two, as I am so often right now — or a table full of friends. Don’t you?

My one caveat is to buy or make good-quality, full-fat chocolate milk for the cup used in the recipe. The better the chocolate, the better the sauce. The bone-in, skin-on thighs add richness to the sauce as well, but you could use other pieces.

Kord recommends serving the chicken with sauteed zucchini and a grain, such as quinoa. Those two mild sides balance the rich, rich sauce. I served it with farro, and that was terrific. It could be good with boiled potatoes or with long-grain rice as well.

If you have chocolate chicken left over, Kord recommends stuffing some in a corn tortilla or using the chicken to fill out a savory pie.

 ?? TOM MCCORKLE/THE WASHINGTON POST ?? Spicy chocolate milk-simmered chicken
TOM MCCORKLE/THE WASHINGTON POST Spicy chocolate milk-simmered chicken

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