The Day

Test your defense


To end the work week, test your defense: Cover the West and South cards and try to beat four hearts. West leads a diamond in deference to your opening bid: ten, jack, three. How do you continue? (Hint: correct defense beats the contract by two tricks.)

In real life, East shifted to the ace and five of trumps to prevent South from ruffing diamonds in dummy. South drew trumps and took the three top clubs, discarding a diamond. He ruffed a club and returned to the ace of spades to pitch another diamond on the good fifth club. He lost two diamonds and a trump.


East had the right idea — almost. He needs to stop diamond ruffs, but since the clubs are a threat, East mustn’t give up control of the trump suit.

At Trick Two, East must lead the five of trumps. There is no escape for declarer. If, for instance, he takes three clubs to pitch a diamond, West ruffs and leads his last trump, and East takes the ace — and two more diamonds.

Did you find the winning defense?


You hold: AJ53 Q 10 K 10 A Q 10 8 3. You are the dealer. What is your opening call?

ANSWER: An increasing tendency among some experts is to open 1NT with imperfect hands — even hands with a singleton honor that otherwise would be awkward to describe. Some would open 1NT here though the pattern is not balanced. To open anything except one club would not occur to me. If partner responds in a red suit, a second bid of one spade is easy.

East dealer

Both sides vulnerable


K 10

A Q 10 8 3


K 10 7 6 2 742 752 74


8 KJ9863 8643 K6

Opening lead —


EAST Q94 A5 AQJ9 J952

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