The Day

Whither Main Street?

After coronaviru­s, giant corporatio­ns and chains may be the only ones left


Antonio’s, my kids’ favorite pizza-by-theslice joint, will be fine. The rest of downtown Amherst, Mass., where I live — I’m not so sure. Antonio’s is (or was, before March) perpetuall­y swarming with high school and college students, local adults, and the occasional out-of-towner. It’s a hub of the Pleasant Street district, which is, by my count, home to three cafes, three bubble tea shops, more than 40 bars and restaurant­s, a century-old stationery store, five hair salons, two bookstores, one toy store, five boutiques, one movie theater, and a florist. Maybe Pleasant Street isn’t quite as hip as Williamsbu­rg, Brooklyn, but it’s a great place to meet friends, browse or get ice cream. The large majority of the businesses are owned by women and members of minority groups, according to the Amherst Business Improvemen­t District, and have fewer than 10 employees.

What will be left of that vibrant downtown when we emerge from the coronaviru­s crisis?

Eventually, the overall economy will recover, more or less. People will need to buy things and pay for services. But the coronaviru­s will radically reshape Main Streets across the country, accelerati­ng changes long in the making — chain stores will replace mom-and-pop businesses, some storefront­s will remain vacant, and cash that once went into local hands will be redirected to Amazon and Walmart. (Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos owns The Washington Post.) The pandemic will reinforce and exacerbate what were already the two key economic trends of our lifetime: Consolidat­ion and inequality.

For decades, large businesses have been taking market share from small businesses, and the corporatio­ns at the top of the pyramid have been consolidat­ing into ever-bigger megacorpor­ations. In the 1980s, half of retail shopping took place in independen­t stores; today, it is less than one-quarter. From 2002 to 2017, Home Depot and Lowes almost doubled their joint share of the home-improvemen­t retail market, from 42 to 81 percent. Even before the coronaviru­s struck, in 43 metropolit­an areas more than half of all groceries were bought at Walmart. Those trends will be amplified: Many small businesses and weaker corporatio­ns won’t have enough capital to outlast the pandemic, and their customers will be claimed by a handful of winners with the cash and technologi­cal infrastruc­ture necessary to survive and prosper in the new environmen­t.

For independen­t businesses, it’s all about cash right now. In Amherst, three out of four businesses have already had to stop operations or at least cut back. Across the country, the number of people working as business owners fell by more than 20

All this will further hollow out what was once known as the American Dream.

percent from February to April, and the picture has only become grimmer since. Yelp reports that 140,000 business on its site closed between March 1 and June 15, with 40 percent of the closures permanent. Today, fully 18 percent of small businesses — defined as those with fewer than 500 employees — in lodging and food services expect never to return to their pre-pandemic level of operations.

And while the economy seems to be improving, recovery is a long way off — perhaps further than it seemed a month ago, as coronaviru­s cases climb. There’s simply no avoiding a severe recession caused by the widespread shutdown of the economy and prolonged by the diminished purchasing power of tens of millions of people whose expanded unemployme­nt benefits will probably run out before they return to work. (They’re due to expire July 31, and Congress is fighting over what new relief to offer.)

The Congressio­nal Budget Office doesn’t expect total economic output to return to its pre-pandemic level until the second half of 2022.

What’s more, even as the economy picks up, social distancing, masks, sanitizing, etc. — all necessary to prevent fresh outbreaks — will severely limit retail and restaurant capacity and deter some customers from bothering to come out. Until there’s a vaccine (and perhaps even after that), brick-and-mortar retailers will need to develop processes for managing traffic flow and minimizing human contact, and self-checkout will become a competitiv­e advantage. When they do eat out, hungry families are more likely to use drive-through lanes or curbside pickup after ordering online. Competing in this environmen­t requires scale, technology and cash: Scale to justify major new investment­s, technology to build new systems and processes (such as online-to-curbside order fulfillmen­t), and cash to pay for it all. Most mom-and-pop businesses don’t have those resources.

Main Streets will therefore grow blander and more corporate, and a swath of storefront­s will go dark permanentl­y. That’s because the coronaviru­s has turbocharg­ed the long-standing shift to online shopping. According to an analysis of transactio­n data by Adobe, U.S. shoppers spent 50 percent more online in April and May than usual. Amazon — which already had about 40 percent of the online retail market — was the biggest beneficiar­y, but Walmart, Target and Best Buy all doubled or almost doubled their Internet sales. The move online was driven first by shutdown orders but is likely to stick, at least among some consumers, as an acquired habit, further increasing corporate concentrat­ion because the e-commerce sector is dominated by so few players. Even large companies that lagged in moving business online, or had weak balance sheets, will have a hard time surviving

— witness the recent bankruptci­es of J. Crew, J.C. Penney and Nieman Marcus.

Entertainm­ent is concentrat­ing, too, shifting from movie theaters, concert halls and stadiums to video streamed to TVs, computers, tablets and phones. While sectors such as movie distributi­on were already highly concentrat­ed, online video is even more so, dominated by a handful of tech companies (Google, Netflix, Amazon, Disney and Apple) and piped into your house by monopolist Internet service providers. At the peak of the shutdowns in April, consumptio­n of streaming entertainm­ent increased by 81 percent, according to Nielsen.

Concentrat­ion will also grow as the strongest companies buy up weaker ones that nonetheles­s have valuable brands and other assets — just as JPMorgan Chase, the least shaky of the major banks, absorbed Bear Stearns and Washington Mutual during the 2008 financial crisis and emerged as the largest bank in the country. Or weaker companies will be taken over by private-equity firms flush with cash, hunting for bargains. A decade ago, these firms scooped up hundreds of thousands of houses at rock-bottom prices. This time, they will take over struggling companies and commercial real estate properties and either strip them for cash — cutting back on long-term investment­s to pay themselves special dividends — or sell them at huge profits when the economy recovers.

All of these changes will profoundly affect the distributi­on of resources among business owners, managers and workers. The winners will mostly be executives of large corporatio­ns, partners at private-equity firms and investors in both — in short, the very rich. Businesses that serve the wealthy will be fine: In a world of increasing sameness, variety will be a luxury. Hermès could probably double its prices and sell by appointmen­t only. Investment bankers can pay exorbitant amounts to eat at independen­t Michelin three-star restaurant­s with appropriat­ely distanced tables.

In contrast, working-class and lower-skilled workers will experience lasting economic harm. Many people who lose their jobs during recessions suffer permanentl­y reduced income — earning about 20 percent less, on average, than if they had not been laid off. They may never find jobs in their old occupation­s, since companies learn to make do with fewer workers after downturns. Indeed, after the 2008 financial crisis, many people never returned to the labor market. They dropped out: While the unemployme­nt rate had fallen to historic lows by 2019, the share of the population age 20 to 64 that was working or looking for a job was still more than a percentage point below its 2008 peak — a difference representi­ng more than 2 million people.

What jobs remain will largely be offered by large corporatio­ns adept at squeezing productivi­ty out of lower-skilled workforces. Amazon, renowned for its brutally efficient warehouses, has already announced 125,000 new permanent jobs. Over time, more and more people will work for a handful of large, non-unionized firms that see employees as an infinitely renewable resource: interchang­eable inputs to be replaced from the reserve army of the jobless if they become too demanding or get sick with covid-19.

None of this should be a surprise. Increasing inequality is the fundamenta­l economic fact of our age. Since the late 1970s, the income share of the top 1 percent of earners has risen from 11 percent to more than 20 percent of national income. Those gains have been almost exactly balanced by losses among the bottom 50 percent. There are many reasons for this trend, including corporate concentrat­ion, the private-equity boom and technology, which both displaces lower-skilled workers and enriches a highly skilled elite. But the coronaviru­s amplifies the importance of all of them. The pandemic could compress decades of economic change into a matter of years.

All this will further hollow out what was once known as the American Dream. In our national mythology, the road to success involves working hard, saving money, getting a loan from the community bank and starting a small business — a path open to anyone, of any background, from anywhere in the world.

 ?? TIRA KHAN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST. ?? Amherst Cinema in the Pleasant Street district, like many small businesses in town, is temporaril­y closed because of the coronaviru­s.
TIRA KHAN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST. Amherst Cinema in the Pleasant Street district, like many small businesses in town, is temporaril­y closed because of the coronaviru­s.
 ?? TIRA KHAN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST ?? Antonio’s pizza-by-the-slice is a popular spot in the Pleasant Street district in Amherst, Mass.
TIRA KHAN FOR THE WASHINGTON POST Antonio’s pizza-by-the-slice is a popular spot in the Pleasant Street district in Amherst, Mass.

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