The Day



Every year around America’s birthday I take a moment to say thanks to a country that took me in with $80 in my pocket decades ago. In search of the American dream I fell in love with a warm, optimistic and loving country that offered hope to a young Irish immigrant.

Over the years nothing has swayed my gratitude. Although not perfect, America is still that beacon of hope because of her people. Local people stepping up, going out of their comfort zone to help other Americans. These individual­s go about their lives with a focus and a purpose that is truly inspiratio­nal. No matter the circumstan­ce, they still follow their calling.

I have an understand­ing for people that find themselves homeless as I found myself years ago in that predicamen­t. I also have a deep appreciati­on for people who lend a helping hand. Tiernan Cabot was nine years old when a chance meeting with a homeless man on Christmas Day, 2016 while volunteeri­ng at Bushnell Park changed the course of his young life. Tiernan heard the man’s story and became inspired to help by starting his own non-profit, Hartford Bags of Love. Now years later, the charity has grown and he has been invited down to Washington DC by Senator Blumenthal and recognized by State Senator Saud Anwar. Tiernan and his younger brother Aakhil visited Yankee Home to show our team how the bags of toiletries are put together along with handmade cards to personaliz­e each bag.

Tiernan works with another local inspiring individual, Hartford Police officer Jim Barrett, a true champion for the city’s homeless. A 21 year Army Veteran, Officer Jim has pictures of homeless people on his office walls and tells me he knows 850 of Hartford’s less fortunate by name. He takes a personal interest and forges relationsh­ips often on his own time and with his own money. Last year he successful­ly helped a suicidal man off a city bridge. His reward is seeing people better themselves. His selfless efforts of helping people get back on their feet are inspiratio­nal to watch and hear about.

Then in April, a covid-19 nurse returns home at midnight after a 12 hour shift to see her home in flames. A Yankee Home team member Kara Mainville steps up to take in the nurse’s daughter who lives on her street, who is now without a home. Could not be prouder to see a Yankee team member step up like this. The community then rallied and came together to help this family rebuild by generously contributi­ng to their Gofundme page. Heartwarmi­ng to see Americans looking out for Americans.

As an immigrant witnessing some of these selfless acts makes me appreciate this wonderful country even more. Ordinary people doing extraordin­ary things.

This immigrant’s view of America remains unchanged. While not perfect she is still the optimistic, warm and loving country he set foot on decades ago.

Thanks for reading. Thank You America.

Happy July 4th and God bless her as She rebuilds.

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