The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Trials and errors


“Your honor,” the District Attorney stated, “we will prove that South committed a felony. He lost a cold 3NT.”

“Proceed,” the judge instructed, and the court kibitzed the evidence.

“When West led the king of diamonds,” the DA said, “South ducked twice, won the third diamond and led the king of spades. West took the ace and returned a spade. Declarer cashed three spades — East threw diamonds — and then the king, ace and queen of hearts. When West discarded, South lost a club finesse with his queen and took only eight tricks.”


“My client’s play was fine,” South’s counsel roared. “He gave himself two chances for the contract.” Was South guilty?

After South takes his spade tricks, he should cash the A-Q of hearts and lead a third heart, playing his ten when East follows low. As the cards lie, South wins four heart tricks and nine in all. If West took the jack of hearts, he would have only clubs left, and South would get a free finesse and his ninth trick.


You hold: ♠ A 942 ♥ 7 6 K Q J ♣ K 10 4 2. The dealer, ♦ at your right, opens one heart. You double, and your partner jumps to two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s jumprespon­se invites game. His hand is worth about 10 points, and he may have only four spades. (He would need to jump to show a fair amount of strength; he would be obliged to respond cheaply with no strength at all.) Pass. You have nothing extra for your double.

South dealer

E-W vulnerable

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