The Day

Daily Bridge Club

Hard answers


“Don’t you hate it,” Cy the Cynic said to me in the club lounge, “when people ask you something and then answer their own question? I do.”

Some questions are hard to answer. A world-class declarer’s thought processes may involve analysis that would perplex a novice. When West led the king of spades against today’s slam, South took dummy’s ace — and immediatel­y ruffed a spade. He next took the A-K of trumps.


When East discarded, South continued with the queen of trumps, a diamond to the queen and another spade ruff with his last trump. South then ran the diamonds. When West ruffed with his high trump, he had to lead a club, and South put up dummy’s queen and took the rest.

If you asked South why he ruffed a spade at Trick Two, he might say only that it seemed like a good idea at the time. But if he leads a trump instead, the slam is unmakeable.

A diamond opening lead beats six hearts. Do you think West would have needed a crystal ball to find that lead? I do.


You hold: ♠ A 9 5 2 ♥ 9 8 3 ♦ Q 7 2 ♣ Q 7 4. Your partner opens one diamond, you respond one spade, he bids two clubs and you return to two diamonds. Partner then bids three clubs. What do you say?

ANSWER: Your preference bid of two diamonds showed weakness, but partner is trying for game anyway. Your hand couldn’t be much better. You have two useful queens plus a side ace. Bid four diamonds or five diamonds. Partner may hold K 4, 7, A K 10 6 3, A J 10 8 2.

South dealer

N-S vulnerable

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