The Day

Protests of police shooting continue


Kenosha, Wis. — Roughly a thousand people gathered Saturday in Kenosha for a march and rally against police violence, about a week after an officer shot Jacob Blake in the back and left the 29-year-old Black man paralyzed.

Marchers chanted “No justice, no peace!” and “Seven bullets, seven days” — a reference to the number of times Blake was shot on Sunday. Those leading the march carried a banner reading “Justice for Jacob” as they made their way toward the Kenosha County Courthouse, where several speakers encouraged demonstrat­ors to vote for change in November.

“There were seven bullets put in my son’s back . ... Hell yeah, I’m mad,” said Blake’s father, Jacob Blake Sr. He said he wants to ask the police “what gave them the right to attempted murder on my child? What gave them the right to think that my son was an animal? What gave them the right to take something that was not theirs? I’m tired of this. I’m tired of this.”

Blake Sr. asked members of the crowd to raise their fists in the air with him.

“We are not going to stop going in the right direction. We’re going to the top ... we’re gonna make legislatio­n happen because that’s the only thing that they recognize,” he said.

He also referred to the May 25 death of George Floyd, a handcuffed Black man who died after a Minneapoli­s officer pressed his knee into Floyd’s neck. “It’s not going to be easy, y’all. But there doesn’t need to be any more Georges,” Blake Sr. said. “We all have a knee on the back of our necks, every day.”

Several speakers referenced voting for change in the November election, as well as a special session that starts Monday in Wisconsin to discuss police reforms.

“Justice is a bare minimum,” said Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes. “Justice should be guaranteed to everybody in this country.”

One of Blake’s sisters, Letetra Widman, sarcastica­lly thanked the police department “for showing their true colors.” She also talked about how she felt recharged with energy “to stand up not just for Jacob but for all the people who have not gotten justice.”

Kenosha Police Officer Rusten Sheskey and two other officers were responding to a domestic abuse call Sunday when Sheskey shot Blake seven times in the back. Blake is paralyzed from the shooting, his family said, and is recovering in a Milwaukee hospital.

The shooting, which was captured on cellphone video, sparked new protests against racial injustice and police brutality. It came just three months after the death of Floyd, which touched off a wider reckoning on race.

“There were seven bullets put in my son’s back . ... Hell yeah, I’m mad.” JACOB BLAKE SR. FATHER OF MAN SHOT BY A KENOSHA, WIS., POLICE OFFICER

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