The Day



Readers of had some strong reactions to last week’s story about the Connecticu­t State Police union vote of “no confidence” in Gov. Ned Lamont. Troopers are particular­ly upset about a new law they say could lead them to be personally liable for their actions as officers.

“Nurses can be easily sued also, if we don't follow the standards of practice but it doesn’t deter people from becoming nurses. If police follow the standards expected of them, they shouldn't be sued either.”

— Kristin Magnussen

“Nurses aren’t charged with using the power of government to make calls on issues which affect the Constituti­onal Rights of the individual … searching & seizing, affecting due process through the applicatio­n of force, subjecting them to the criminal justice system or getting sued for any of those reasons. You aren’t making a conscious decision to apply deadly force.”

— Rick O'Shea

“Doctors and nurses can be and are sued but the cost of your malpractic­e insurance is paid by your patients and taxpayers and is a major contributo­r to this country’s skyrocketi­ng cost of healthcare as is the defensive over-ordering of tests and procedures just to avoid lawsuits. The cost of this anti-police bill will also land on each of us when municipali­ties self-insure or have to pay a carrier to insure and pay for body/car cams, servers, data storage, software, shrink sessions, extra training and certificat­ions and IT profession­als to run it all.” — Lynn Young

“Lynn, I just don't see anything other than speculatio­n to support the argument that this will significan­tly raise taxes. Police and towns are already sued for violations of rights, and the new law still is quite narrow on what would be allowed to proceed.”

— Matthew Hiddemen

“Matthew, your points are greatly appreciate­d. Is it just me or does anyone else wonder why the police, who are charged with enforcing our laws, are so vehemently opposed to being held responsibl­e and accountabl­e when they break the law and/or violate our rights?” — Lucira Jane Nebelung

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