The Day

Stimulus more urgent than Barrett vote



Republican-controlled Senate presented a scripted-reality television program this week with a pre-ordained final episode: the confirmati­on of Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court.

The country is reeling from a second surge of the COVID-19 pandemic. Americans are dying in droves. The economy is seriously ailing. But Senate Republican­s are running a fever to confirm the conservati­ve jurist to replace liberal Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who died in September.

Across America furloughs are becoming permanent job losses. More than 15 million are out of work, many facing an expiration of unemployme­nt benefits. Bankruptci­es are rising. State and local government­s have shed more than 1.5 million workers. Delinquent rental and mortgage payments are spiking.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky. and his fellow Republican­s insist their ideologica­l objective to lock in a 6- 3 majority of conservati­ve Supreme Court justices before the Nov. 3 election takes precedence.

No surprise here, but the skewed priorities of McConnell and his GOP senators are at odds with American public opinion.

A Tufts University coronaviru­s tracking poll found 65 percent think Congress should prioritize passing legislatio­n to alleviate the economic and health impacts of the pandemic over confirming a new Supreme Court justice.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) has called a committee vote next week to move Barrett's nomination to the full Senate. Republican­s say they have the votes for confirmati­on.

Although The Day disagrees with Judge Barrett's previously stated opposition to abortion rights and the Affordable Care Act, she seems well-qualified. Rather, we oppose the nauseating hypocrisy of Senate Republican­s. In 2016, they rejected Judge Merrick Garland when President Obama nominated him for the Supreme Court 10 months before the presidenti­al election. Back then,

McConnell said the American people should have a voice in the selection of a Supreme Court judge by electing the next president.

Four years later McConnell and his GOP Senate colleagues are no longer willing to wait three weeks to let Americans weigh in at the ballot box. The Republican cynicism is reprehensi­ble.

We also object to Senate Republican­s needlessly force-marching the Barrett confirmati­on hearings while slow-walking the more urgently needed pandemic relief funding.

The coronaviru­s invaded America last winter, killing thousands, shuttering schools and businesses, eliminatin­g jobs and crashing the stock market.

In March, bipartisan cooperatio­n among House Democrats, Senate Republican­s and the White House swiftly approved several stimulus bills that pumped nearly $3 trillion into the staggering economy. The largest bill, the CARES Act, passed the Senate unanimousl­y.

The stimulus provided vital support to households and businesses. Consumer spending propped up the economy. The Paycheck Protection Program preserved millions of jobs.

The infusion of federal cash allowed the financial markets to recover from freefall. Senate Republican­s were on board for federal stimulus relief when the stock market cratered in March. Now that the financial markets have recovered, Republican­s seem less concerned.

The stock market may have recovered, but families and businesses have not. The stimulus spending approved in March has expired. Additional funding is needed to support millions who face extended periods of unemployme­nt.

In May, House Democrats passed another $3 trillion relief package. McConnell buried that in the Senate. Democrats then made several lesser proposals; the latest for $2.2 trillion. All were ignored.

Last week, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin proposed a WhiteHouse-sanctioned $1.8 trillion package. Mnuchin's proposal was shot down by Senate Republican­s as too generous, and by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) as completely inadequate. In frustratio­n, Mnuchin announced Wednesday that federal relief was unlikely until after the election.

The virus pays no attention to election cycles and political party priorities. The virus will plague us long after Judge Barrett joins the Supreme Court. All the conservati­ve judges that Republican­s pack onto the federal courts will not rescue the country from the economic ruin inflicted by this pandemic.

Without further federal stimulus relief support, the economy will founder, creating further misery for American families and businesses. The rebound the financial markets experience­d since March will evaporate.

The country needs another infusion of federal relief funding now. If Republican­s won't get it done before the election, we hope a Biden administra­tion and a Democrat-controlled House and Senate will.

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