The Day

Daily Bridge Club Enjoyable read

Thursday, November 19, 2020


Randy Baron, who founded Baron Bridge Supply, is also a noted lecturer. His “Almost the Only Bridge Book You’ll Ever Need” (actually, a twovolume set) is a treasury of tips to help players enjoy the game.

In a section on counting, Baron has South overcall two clubs at his first turn. (If West leaped to four hearts and two passes followed, South could try four spades.) Against five clubs, West leads the jack of diamonds: king, ace, four. East takes the ace of hearts and returns a diamond to dummy.

South draws trumps and ruffs a diamond. East discards. How should South handle the spades?


Baron notes that East had two diamonds, one club and likely six hearts. (With seven, he might have bid again.) So East can’t hold K-x in spades. South’s only chance to avoid a loser is to play West for the singleton king.

“The Only Bridge Book,” an enjoyable read, written with great respect and affection for the game. Baron Barclay has all books in print. See baronbarcl­


You hold: ♠ A Q 6 5 4 ♥ 3 ♦ 54 ♣ A K J 7 3. You are the dealer.

What is your opening call?

ANSWER: A few decades ago, most players opened one club with five cards in each black suit. If partner responded in a red suit, opener could comfortabl­y bid one spade. Times have changed, and most experts open one spade. They mention the major suit without delay, perhaps conceal their second suit, and make it harder for the opponents to come in. East dealer

Both sides vulnerable

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