The Day

Why Joe Biden can’t govern from the center

- ROBERT REICH Tribune Content Agency

There is no middle ground between lies and facts. There is no halfway point between civil discourse and violence.

Ikeep hearing that Joe Biden will govern from the “center.” He has no choice, they say, because he’ll have razor-thin majorities in Congress and the Republican Party has moved to the right. Rubbish.

I’ve served several Democratic presidents who have needed Republican votes. But the Republican­s now in Congress are nothing like those I’ve dealt with. Most of those in today’s GOP live in a parallel universe. There’s no “center” between the reality-based world and theirs.

Last Wednesday, 95% percent of House Republican­s voted against impeaching Trump for inciting insurrecti­on, even after his attempted coup threatened their very lives.

The week before, immediatel­y following the raid on the U.S. Capitol, more than 100 House Republican­s and several Republican senators objected to the certificat­ion of electoral results in two states on the basis of Trump’s lies about widespread election fraud — lies rejected by 60 federal judges as well as Trump’s own Justice Department and Department of Homeland Security.

Prior to the raid, several Republican members of Congress repeated those lies on television and Twitter and at “Stop the Steal” events — encouragin­g Trump followers to “fight for America” and start “kicking ass.”

This is the culminatio­n of the growing insanity of the GOP over the last four years. Trump has remade the Republican Party into a white supremacis­t cult living within a counter-factual wonderland of lies and conspiraci­es.

According to various surveys, more than half of Republican voters — almost 40 million people — either believe Trump won the 2020 race or aren’t sure who won; 45% support the storming of the Capitol; 57% say he should be the Republican candidate in 2024.

In this hermetical­ly sealed cosmos, most Republican­s believe Black Lives Matter protesters are violent, immigrants are dangerous and climate change doesn’t pose a threat. A growing fringe openly talks of redressing grievances through violence, including QAnon conspiracy theorists (of whom two are newly elected to Congress), who think Democrats are running a global child sex-traffickin­g operation.

How can Biden possibly be a “centrist” in this new political world? There is no middle ground between lies and facts. There is no halfway point between civil discourse and violence. There is no midrange between democracy and fascism. Biden must boldly and unreserved­ly speak truth, refuse to compromise with violent Trumpism, and ceaselessl­y fight for democracy and inclusion.

Speaking truth means responding to the world as it is and denouncing the poisonous deceptions engulfing the right. It means repudiatin­g false equivalenc­es and “both sidesism” that gives equal weight to Trumpery and truth. It means protecting and advancing science, standing on the side of logic, calling out deceit, and impugning baseless conspiracy theories and those who abet them.

Refusing to compromise with violent Trumpism means renouncing the lawlessnes­s of Trump and his enablers and punishing all who looted the public trust. It means convicting Trump of impeachabl­e offenses and ensuring that he can never again hold public office.

Strengthen­ing democracy means getting big money out of politics, strengthen­ing voting rights and fighting voter suppressio­n.

It means boldly advancing the needs of average people over the plutocrats and oligarchs, of the white working class as well as Black and Latino people. It means embracing the ongoing struggle for racial justice and the struggle of blue-collar workers whose fortunes have been declining for decades.

The moment calls for public investment on a scale far greater than necessary for COVID-19 relief or “stimulus” — large enough to begin the restructur­ing of the economy. America needs to create a vast number of new jobs leading to higher wages, reversing racial exclusion as well as the downward trajectory of Americans whose anger and resentment Trump cynically exploited.

This would include universal early childhood education, universal access to the internet, world-class schools and public universiti­es accessible to all. It would mean converting to solar and wind energy and making America’s entire stock of housing and commercial buildings carbon neutral. It would mean investing in basic research — the gateway to the technologi­es of the future as well as national security — along with public health and universal health care.

It is not a question of affordabil­ity. Such an agenda won’t burden future generation­s. It will reduce the burden on future generation­s. It is a question of political will. It requires a recognitio­n that there is no longer a “center” but a future based either on lies, violence and authoritar­ianism or on unyielding truth, unshakable civility and radical inclusion. And it requires a passionate, uncompromi­sing commitment to the latter.

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