The Day

America no longer lives in unpresiden­ted time


No one can say what Biden’s tenure will bring .... All we can say with certainty as this decent man takes office is that, at long last, America no longer lives in an unpresiden­ted time.

And so we reach the end of an unpresiden­ted era. The reference is, of course, to one of Donald Trump’s many Twitter misspellin­gs, this one found in his 2016 descriptio­n of the seizure of a US. Navy drone. He meant to call it “unpreceden­ted.” But Trump’s mistake gave us a coinage perfect for this moment. For four years, America has been an unpresiden­ted nation — in some fundamenta­l sense, a nation without a president.

Yes, I know. Trump was in the Oval Office, duly elected and sworn. When not golfing or tweeting, he even performed some presidenti­al duties. He attended summits. He signed documents. He gave speeches.

But those are not the only things a president does. A president sets the tone. He ennobles and emboldens. He calls us up from the minutiae of individual lives to the stirring vistas of national mission. They’ve all done this, Republican­s and Democrats alike, those you admired and those you could not stand. Through war, scandal and economic disaster, they exhorted us to vision and courage.

Think Franklin Roosevelt telling us “the only thing we have to fear.”

Think John Kennedy admonishin­g us to “ask not.”

Think Ronald Reagan calling us to “a shining city upon a hill” and George H.W. Bush showing us “a thousand points of light.”

Think Lincoln appealing to “the better angels of our nature.”

Maybe, after you’ve heard it often enough, you take for granted that this is just What Presidents Do. Maybe you stop hearing it altogether. Maybe it becomes cliche.

Then one sudden day, it’s gone, all the high-flown language grounded, all the ideals replaced by whatever is the opposite of ideals, replaced by that which is coarse, mean, transactio­nal, cynical, narcissist­ic and untrue. And that’s all you get. No entreaties to higher ground. No paeans to higher purpose. That’s it for four years. Four long, unpresiden­ted years.

Today, as those bleak years finally wane, as Joe Biden takes office, an old maxim gleams like a newly minted coin: Truly, you never miss your water till your well runs dry. In other words, you never know what it means to have a president until you’ve gone without. For me, at least, life under Trump has instilled new appreciati­on for that which I once took for granted.

Not that I was unique in so doing. I’m reminded of a 2016 debate on Comedy Central’s “The Nightly Show With Larry Wilmore.” Hillary Clinton had just bested Bernie Sanders in New York’s Democratic primary, and panelists were arguing whether Sanders’ voters would pledge allegiance to Clinton should she become the nominee. Mike Yard, a stand-up comedian and Sanders supporter, rejected the idea.

“People that supported Bernie are not people that play the game,” he said. “They’re not afraid to blow (expletive) up. That’s all I’m saying. Maybe we need to blow this (expletive) up. Maybe that’s what we need to do.”

It seemed merely cavalier back then. Five years later, standing in the wreckage of the blown-up country — hundreds of thousands dead, the economy crippled, troops bivouacked in the breached Capitol, Washington on lockdown, the national mood sour and uncertain — it seems worse than cavalier. It seems tragic.

Presidents matter. Apparently, we needed a reminder. Sadly, we got one.

No one can say what Biden’s tenure will bring: prosperity, war, scandal or achievemen­t. All we can say with certainty as this decent man takes office is that, at long last, America no longer lives in an unpresiden­ted time.

And right now, just for this moment, that’s more than enough.

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