The Day

Gov. Ned Lamont sets the stage for a debate on marijuana taxation by mid-2022.

- By KEITH M. PHANEUF The Connecticu­t Mirror Keith M. Phaneuf is a reporter for The Connecticu­t Mirror ( Copyright 2021 © The Connecticu­t Mirror.

Gov. Ned Lamont is positionin­g lawmakers for a robust debate this year on legalizing and taxing the sale of marijuana for recreation­al use.

The administra­tion has begun seeking agency feedback on a draft bill that would tax dry cannabis flowers at $1.25 per gram, trimmed marijuana plants at 50 cents per gram; and wet cannabis at 28 cents per gram. In addition to applying the standard sales tax of 6.35% to marijuana transactio­ns, a 3% surcharge would be added and the revenue from this shared with municipali­ties.

The bill also automatica­lly would erase conviction­s for possession of less than four ounces of cannabis that occurred prior to Oct. 1, 2015, and allow those convicted of this offense after that date to petition the state for erasure.

Lamont signaled during his Jan. 6 State of the State address that he was planning to pursue legalized marijuana as a source of new revenue for the state.

“I am working with our neighborin­g states and look forward to working with our tribal partners on a path forward to modernize gaming in our state, as well as the legislatur­e on legalizati­on of marijuana,” Lamont said. “Sports betting, internet gaming, and legalized marijuana are happening all around us. Let’s not surrender these opportunit­ies to out-of-state markets or even worse, undergroun­d markets.”

Max Reiss, the governor’s communicat­ions director, added Tuesday that “The administra­tion is continuing to work toward that goal.”

But the draft bill does not guarantee Lamont will incorporat­e this in the two-year budget due to lawmakers next month, nor is it likely to represent the governor’s full plan. Lamont proposed a marijuana commercial­ization bill last year, but still opted to include no revenue from it in his budget. And draft bills routinely exclude provisions the administra­tion intends to craft later in collaborat­ion with legislativ­e committee.

The administra­tion’s draft bill also:

■ Limits marketing so children are not targeted for cannabis sales

■ Increases trained drug recognitio­n experts in state and municipal police department­s

■ Updates Connecticu­t’s clean air act to incorporat­e cannabis and vaping within existing restrictio­ns on secondhand smoke

Though lawmakers have discussed marijuana commercial­ization frequently at the committee level over the past four years, Rep. Jonathan Steinberg, D-Westport, co-chairman of the Public Health Committee, said Tuesday that “I think it has extremely stronger prospects than it had in recent years.”

If the legislatio­n is to pass, though, Steinberg said his panel and other health advocates must play as large a role in shaping the legislatio­n as others concerned with fiscal and criminal justice matters.

Sen. Douglas McCrory, D-Hartford, co-chair of the Education Committee, has been one of the legislatur­e’s strongest voices for decriminal­ization of cannabis, including expunging the records of those previously convicted.

McCrory also said there would be strong opposition to taxing cannabis sales — and giving Connecticu­t government a new stream of revenue — if those dollars aren’t used to help the state’s poor urban centers, where many of the marijuana-related conviction­s occurred.

“Frosty the Snowman would have a better chance of passing summer school in hell than any piece of legislatio­n in Connecticu­t if it doesn’t deal with equity, economics and the communitie­s that have been targeted and devastated by this fake war on drugs,” McCrory said.

Sen. John Fonfara, another Hartford Democrat, said marijuana commercial­ization is a “nonstarter” unless it’s a tool to reverse systemic racism.

“It’s about building wealth in the (disadvanta­ged) community,” said Fonfara, who co-chairs the tax-writing Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee. “If you’re going to tackle racism, it’s based in giving people economic opportunit­y and economic power. It’s an imperative for me.”

But the top Republican in the House, Minority Leader Vincent Candelora of North Branford, said it’s a mistake to assume marijuana commercial­ization will pass this year. The longtime opponent of cannabis legalizati­on said many lawmakers initially are drawn by the lure of more revenue for the state, but then pause when they study the details more closely.

Lamont’s proposal doesn’t offer any revenue estimate. And when the legislatur­e’s nonpartisa­n Office of Fiscal Analysis last projected receipts from taxing marijuana, in 2017, it’s annual revenue estimate of $115 million was based on models from other states.

Pro-commercial­ization advocates have suggested Connecticu­t’s annual take could be $170 million or more.

“There are other ways for government to make money,” Candelora said, adding that the debate can’t ignore the potential impact on Connecticu­t’s children. “The science is really against it, when you look at the impact on youth, on developing brains, on drug addiction.”

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