The Day

Being blocked was a troubling sign


Aundré Bumgardner unblocked me from his campaign page just before The Day ran, “Groton City Democratic primary becomes contentiou­s on social media,” (Feb. 27). Thank you for raising concerns, Deputy Mayor Gweneviere Depot, and writing the letter referenced in the article, I believe that is now why I was unblocked.

The question of Aundre’s residency is why I was blocked. It is not personal. The residency requiremen­t is being bent for his personal use. If he lived here, it would be any easy answer, instead he claims it is a personal question and refuses to answer. It needs to be known for voters to decide if they want to vote for a half-time resident as their mayor. If he is gaslightin­g constituen­ts about his residency and blocking them on social media, what else will it be regarding policies that impact our community that we live in?

We deserve a mayor who is all in and a full-time resident of the City of Groton.

April Tischler


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