The Day

State digital advertisin­g tax could devastate small businesses


Connecticu­t retailers are in a new era — the post-COVID era. Whether you are a small independen­t retailer, a midsize retailer, or a multi-state retailer, the name of the game for survival in today’s digital economy is meeting customers where they are.

More often than not, communicat­ion with prospectiv­e customers — and even returning customers — is driven by online communicat­ion, in the form of digital advertisin­g. Nearly every hour of every day, the people that retailers need to reach to stay in business are online, using mobile devices, tablets, or PC’s, making decisions on where to make their next purchase.

While in many ways this is a new era for retailers, some things never change. Retailers have always had to know their customers well, so that they can serve them better. That is more important than ever today. Any retailer — whether small, mid-size or large — regardless of the segment of the retail industry that they’re in, must respond to that. It’s where the rubber meets the road.

As a result, retailers have had to leverage new technologi­es and platforms that now dominate customer communicat­ion, to meet customer expectatio­ns for a personaliz­ed and seamless experience between mobile, online, and in-store shopping.

That is why retail businesses all across Connecticu­t are filled with concern about the new tax on digital advertisin­g that the state legislatur­e is now considerin­g. Proponents of the new tax say they are targeting the digital behemoths — the Facebooks and Googles of the world. The plan is to tax their digital ads in Connecticu­t.

We should be under no illusion, however, that the tech companies will passively absorb the costs of such a tax. Instead, they will push those costs down to the individual businesses buying those digital ads. No matter the intent of the proponents, the impact will be felt by Connecticu­t retailers every time they purchase a digital ad on those platforms.

Retailers’ advertisin­g costs will increase, which means they will either raise prices to consumers to cover those new costs, or — just as unpalatabl­e an alternativ­e — do less advertisin­g, reach fewer customers, experience a drop in sales, and have a tougher time balancing their books to stay in business.

What is aimed at the industry giants will find its way onto invoices in the accounts payable department­s of Connecticu­t’s retail businesses. And the timing could not be worse.

The impact that COVID has had on the retail industry cannot be overstated. Suddenly and without warning, thousands of retail businesses had to adjust. For many, that meant shutting their doors, for weeks or months. For nearly all, it meant retooling business models on the fly, trying desperatel­y to hold on to some segment of an existing customer base to retain employees, pay rent and utility bills, and serve customers.

Retail businesses have had little choice but to advertise on the digital platforms that would be the best — or even the only — effective way to reach customers. Because that’s where everyone is — looking at and depending on the exact same sites that the legislatur­e is now targeting for a new tax. The transition from traditiona­l to digital advertisin­g has accelerate­d, and it is widely recognized that the advertisin­g landscape is not likely to change, post-COVID.

Retail businesses are an indispensa­ble segment of the Connecticu­t economy, providing good jobs for Connecticu­t families. There are

Retailer’s advertisin­g costs will increase, which means they will either raise prices to consumers to cover those new costs, or — just as unpalatabl­e an alternativ­e — do less advertisin­g, reach fewer customers, and experience a drop in sales.

Tim Phelan is president of the Connecticu­t Retail Merchants Associatio­n. Robin Mallove co-owns Mallove’s Jewelers of Waterford and Mystic.

roughly 42,000 retail establishm­ents in Connecticu­t, supporting more than 470,000 jobs and contributi­ng more than $34 billion to our state’s economy. More than 98% of retail companies are small businesses, employing fewer than 50 people.

The COVID-19 economy has put retail businesses, particular­ly small independen­t retailers, under increasing pressure just to stay in business — and to stay in business here in Connecticu­t. If this proposed tax were to pass, it may prove to be the final straw for retailers who have been teetering on the brink for months. For third or fourth generation local retail businesses to entreprene­urial startups, the added costs may be too much to bear.

The digital advertisin­g tax may have seemed like a good idea, a way to grab some money for Connecticu­t from the global tech giants.

But the law of unintended consequenc­es being what it is, our own retail businesses and consumers will be harmed most.

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