The Day

WHO convenes experts to decide if monkeypox is an emergency


Geneva — The World Health Organizati­on will convene an emergency committee of experts to determine if the expanding monkeypox outbreak that has mysterious­ly spread outside Africa should be considered a global health emergency.

WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesu­s said Tuesday he decided to convene the emergency committee on June 23 because the virus has shown “unusual” recent behavior by spreading in countries well beyond parts of Africa where it is endemic.

“We believe that it needs also some coordinate­d response because of the geographic spread,” he told reporters.

Declaring monkeypox to be an internatio­nal health emergency would give it the same designatio­n as the COVID-19 pandemic and mean that WHO considers the normally rare disease a continuing threat to countries globally.

The U.K. said Monday it had 470 cases of monkeypox across the country, with the vast majority in gay or bisexual men. British scientists said last week they could not tell if the spread of the disease in the U.K. had peaked.

The meeting of outside experts could also help improve understand­ing and knowledge about the virus, Tedros said, as WHO released new guidelines about vaccinatin­g against monkeypox.

Dr. Ibrahima Soce Fall, WHO’s emergencie­s director for Africa, said case counts were growing every day and health officials face “many gaps in terms of knowledge of the dynamics of the transmissi­on” — both in Africa and beyond.

“With the advice from the emergency committee, we can be in a better position to control the situation. But it doesn’t mean that we are going straight to a public health emergency of internatio­nal concern,” he said, referring to WHO’s highest level of alert for viral outbreaks. “We don’t want to wait until the situation is out of control to start calling the emergency committee.”

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