The Day

Worries aside, poll finds most journalist­s would do it again


New York — Journalist­s face harassment, fight against misinforma­tion and are keenly aware of the industry’s financial troubles and the dim view many Americans have of them.

Despite all that, most love their jobs and wouldn’t trade it for something else.

Those were among the findings in a survey of nearly 12,000 journalist­s conducted by the Pew Research Center and released on Tuesday.

“To me, that’s a fascinatin­g juxtaposit­ion,” said Amy Mitchell, director of journalism research at Pew. “They get it. They feel the struggle. They understand the public’s feelings toward them. But they love it. They’re proud of their work.”

More than three-quarters of the journalist­s (77%) said that if they had the chance to do it all again, they would pursue a career in the news business. Three-quarters of journalist­s over age 65 say the job has a positive impact on their emotional well-being, although these numbers get smaller for those who are younger.

When asked to describe their industry in a single word, 72% of journalist­s surveyed pick something negative — words like “struggling,” “chaos,” “partisan,” “difficult” and “stressful,” Pew said.

And when asked for one word that journalist­s think the general public would use to describe the news industry, only 3% could be characteri­zed as positive. Words like “inaccurate,” “untrustwor­thy,” “biased” and “partisan” were used most often.

Years of attacks from former President Donald Trump and his allies have taken a toll. Coupled with a companion poll of American adults in general, journalist­s have a more positive view of the job they do than people they are reporting for. For instance, 67% of journalist­s believe they’re doing a very or somewhat good job of covering the most important stories, compared to 41% of the public. Most journalist­s (65%) said news organizati­ons do a good job of reporting accurately, while only 35% of the public feels this way.

Pew found that 42% of the journalist­s said they had been harassed or threatened over the past year, mostly online. Sixteen percent of women said they’d been sexually harassed by someone outside their organizati­on.

More than 9 in 10 journalist­s said they considered made up or false informatio­n to be a significan­t problem for society. A third of respondent­s said they come across falsehoods on a regular basis, Pew said.

For all the negativity, 70% of journalist­s pronounce themselves very or somewhat satisfied with their jobs, Pew said. Roughly the same number of people say they’re excited about their work.

By overwhelmi­ng numbers, Pew found journalist­s using social media like Twitter and Facebook to promote their work and to hunt down possible sources. However, twothirds of journalist­s said social media has had a very or somewhat negative impact on the profession.

“People overall don’t trust (social media) a lot,” Mitchell said, “but the vast majority are using it.”

The number of people who face harassment or come across unreliable informatio­n online may explain the apparent contradict­ion, she said.

Fully three-quarters of the journalist­s feel it’s a major problem when people with the same opinions get their news from the same organizati­ons, while 39% of the public sees it that way, Pew said.

Pew’s findings are based on a national, online survey of 11,889 journalist­s conducted between Feb. 16 and March 17, with a margin of error of plus or minus 1%.

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