The Day

Maybe migrants should thank GOP governors for free bus rides

- CLARENCE PAGE Clarence Page’s column is syndicated by Tribune Content Agency.

It’s ironic to see the best-laid plans of political men and women lead to unexpected consequenc­es.

But it happens. Take, for example, the issue of immigratio­n reform, Texas-style.

Texas Gov. Greg Abbott put an extra 10-gallon hat full of irony into the issue when he decided to bus migrants into New York, Washington and, most recently, Chicago.

The Republican governor’s plan, meant as a crackdown on illegal immigratio­n, actually created one of the most generously funded services to help migrants entering the country begin their resettleme­nt: a free bus ride.

Since many of the migrants already had family or other contacts far from the border, the free transporta­tion helped many to connect with relatives or friends who can make their transition into the U.S. that much smoother.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, picking up on Abbott’s idea, went upscale. He sent a couple of planes to Texas and gave about 50 migrants a flight to Martha’s Vineyard, the famous island getaway for the wealthy near Cape Cod.

Chicago’s not that wealthy — per capita, anyway — but it’s just as welcoming in other ways. Since the first of Abbott’s busloads arrived from Texas at the end of August, nearly 1,500 migrants have arrived in Chicago from Texas as of Tuesday, city officials said. Some were also taken in by suburbs.

Either way, not much of significan­ce has changed about the real long-term problem, which is the country’s broken immigratio­n system.

The only thing really new is the midterm election season, which offers politician­s from both parties opportunit­ies to stake out their usual positions along the Great Wall of Gridlock.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker and Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot welcomed the new immigrants to the state, while accusing the Republican governors of playing with desperate people’s lives.

The Republican governors countercha­rged the Democrats with hypocrisy for failing to “secure the borders” and lift Title 42, the federal emergency health order that allows officials to turn away migrants at the border to control spread of COVID-19. The order unfortunat­ely has led to a jam-up of mass repeat crossings that overwhelm an already exhausted Border Patrol.

Is there any resolution in sight? Probably not soon. This is, after all, an election year, when political issues tend to be easier to ballyhoo than to solve.

It is interestin­g, for example, that while Republican leaders have become staunchly unwelcomin­g to asylum-seekers in the Trump era, farmers across the country are pushing for national immigratio­n reform to admit more farmworker­s, ease labor shortages and, one hopes, lower food prices.

At a time of surging production costs, agribusine­ss operators have been pushing the Farm Workforce Modernizat­ion Act, which has passed the House and is pending in the Senate.

Advocates say the bill will provide agribusine­ss with a stable, reliable workforce by improving the seasonal farmworker visa program and — take note — creating a path to citizenshi­p for agricultur­al workers without permanent legal status, among other changes.

Does “pathway to citizenshi­p” sound familiar? We haven’t heard much about that concept since the days when it had robust bipartisan support during the administra­tion of President George W. Bush.

I think I witnessed its downfall when one of its staunchest advocates, then-aspiring Republican presidenti­al candidate Sen. John McCain, was booed off the stage for favoring a pathway to citizenshi­p at the 2007 Conservati­ve Political Action Committee convention in Washington.

I think I was more shocked than McCain by the reception, but I was still rememberin­g the days when immigratio­n was a largely bipartisan issue. That ended after President Ronald Reagan’s 1986 immigratio­n reform bill awarded amnesty to 5 million immigrants who were in the country illegally.

Although the measure also included a crackdown on employers of workers who lacked permanent legal status, it wasn’t enough to soothe conservati­ves, especially when the number of residents living in the country illegally soared from 5 million in 1986 to more than 11 million in 2013.

With that, trust was broken between many key conservati­ves and a president who had been perhaps their greatest hero since Abraham Lincoln. By the time Donald Trump announced his candidacy for president, promising a rather prepostero­us wall along the southern border, the immigratio­n issue had been gridlocked.

So, for now, instead of a workable way out of our immigratio­n dilemma, we are left with platitudes, slogans and bumper stickers — and maybe some free bus rides.

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