The Day

Climate change is rapidly fueling super hurricanes


As Hurricane Ian barreled toward Florida this week, it did what six other storms did over the past six years as they approached the United States: It intensifie­d, quickly.

A few factors help account for the shift, including the warming waters — fueled by climate change — that give hurricanes more energy to release though crushing winds and pounding waves. Climate scientists suspect the slow movement of storms like Ian also stem from global warming, giving more opportunit­y for them to strengthen and destroy as long as day-to-day conditions remain ripe.

Since 2017, an unpreceden­ted number of storms rated Category 4 or stronger have lashed the U.S. shoreline: Harvey, Irma, Maria, Michael, Laura, Ida and now Ian. They all qualify as “rapid intensific­ation events,” when a storm’s wind speeds increase by at least 35 mph within 24 hours.

These kinds of storms have increased in recent decades, often accelerati­ng hurricanes’ capacity for destructio­n. Sixteen of the last 20 hurricanes in the Atlantic basin have undergone rapid intensific­ation.

“Especially in the near coastal region where the hurricane is just ahead of landfall, what we are witnessing is that the hurricane intensific­ation rates have been ramping up,” said Karthik Balaguru, a climate scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. “And that is a bit disconcert­ing.”

Ian was only the latest case when its winds nearly doubled within a 24-hour period, going from a low-end hurricane with sustained 75 mph winds Monday to a Category 3 storm with 125 mph winds Tuesday. Then, as it approached Florida on Wednesday, its winds surged even faster, going from 120 mph around 2 a.m. to 155 mph winds by 7 a.m.

The series of intense hurricanes striking the United States since 2017 is “one of the busiest times for landfallin­g powerful hurricanes that we’ve seen historical­ly,” said Phil Klotzbach, a senior research scientist at Colorado State University. One comparable period of hurricane activity came from 1945-1950, when five Category 4 hurricanes hit Florida in six years, making Klotzbach reluctant to call the series of intense storms since 2017 unpreceden­ted.

And, Klotzbach added, a period of rapid strengthen­ing is almost a prerequisi­te for a storm to become among the most powerful hurricanes. “The stronger the storm, the more likely it is to undergo rapid intensific­ation,” he said.

Even so, recent research suggests that the rise in rapidly intensifyi­ng storms is having a profound impact.

One study published earlier this year found that since 1990, a steadily growing number of global tropical cyclones have undergone what the study called “extreme rapid intensific­ation,” with winds increasing by at least 50 knots, or 57 mph, within a 24-hour period. Another study from 2018 focused on the Atlantic basin found that among cyclones that have strengthen­ed the most rapidly, their rates of intensific­ation have accelerate­d, growing by 4 mph each decade over the past 30 years.

The Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change’s most recent assessment came to a similar conclusion, that tropical cyclones are likely becoming more intense and prone to rapid intensific­ation.

“I would say one of the most worrying things about climate change is a change in extremes,” said Balaguru. “The rapid intensific­ation is a process that fits that category of extreme.”

For instance, Balaguru said, if a storm in the Caribbean Sea four decades ago intensifie­d by 34 mph in a day, the same storm would increase by 48 mph in today’s climate.

And a preliminar­y analysis of Ian’s rainfall released Thursday by Stony Brook University professor Kevin Reed and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory senior scientist Michael Wehner, based on previously peer-reviewed research, found that climate change is responsibl­e for increasing Ian’s extreme rainfall rates by 10 percent.

A hotter ocean, along with low vertical wind shear, have helped drive the rapid intensific­ation of recent storms.

Generally, ocean waters must be above 79 degrees Fahrenheit for a hurricane develop and persist. In recent decades, the ocean has warming at record rates due to human-emitted greenhouse gases, bringing this threshold closer within reach. As Ian was moving away from Cuba, sea surface temperatur­es were approachin­g 86 degrees.

Rising global air temperatur­es also mean that waters, especially in bodies like the bathub-esque Gulf of Mexico, are warming beyond just their surface. The deeper that warmth goes, the more fuel can flow to a slow-moving storm like Ian. The warm seawater evaporates and pumps moisture into air, which can recondense into storms, clouds and rain.

“A storm can sit over this warm water almost for days and, if it’s deep enough, it’s not going to kill itself,” said James Kossin, a senior scientist at the Climate Service, a risk assessment consultant and former scientist at NOAA who has led studies on hurricane intensific­ation.

Vertical wind shear — changing wind speeds and direction at different altitudes in a storm — is also a key influence on the intensity of hurricanes, although researcher­s are still parsing out any longterm trends. High wind shear can weaken a hurricane, while weaker shear can help a hurricane to form and strengthen.

Wind shear has been relatively low in the western Atlantic since 2017, a factor that has contribute­d to the flurry of tropical cyclones since then, according to Klotzbach. It’s possible that in the long run, climate change could make this environmen­tal condition more common. Scientists hypothesiz­e that the jet stream, which creates strong wind shear, could be pushed north as global temperatur­es rise.

Climate change also may be increasing hurricanes’ potential for intensific­ation — and destructio­n — by slowing them down, increasing the duration of damaging winds and flooding rainfall.

For example, while Hurricane Ian took a similar path, and with a similar intensity, as Hurricane Charley in 2004, Charley blew into Florida at 20 mph, while Ian only moved half as fast. That allowed Ian to dump as much as 20 inches of rain along its path, according to early estimates, already more than twice Charley’s rainfall.

Scientists hypothesiz­e storms’ slow movement may stem from rapid warming at Earth’s poles, since this has narrowed the gap in temperatur­e and pressure from the poles to lower latitudes. Those difference­s drive winds around the globe, pushing around weather systems, including hurricanes, like corks in a stream. So when they are minimized, that may be causing a broader slowdown in global weather systems.

The same phenomenon may be causing abnormal spells of extreme heat and blasts of polar frigidity, because the jet stream winds that normally break up weather patterns and drive storm systems are weaker.

“It just seems like the whole atmosphere is getting more sluggish, and consequent­ly, the storms that are carried in it are moving more slowly,” Kossin said.

Slower-moving storms are capable of dropping massive amounts of rain. Hurricane Harvey showered more than 60 inches of rain in some parts of southeaste­rn Texas because it stalled over the region for nearly two days.

Similarly, if a storm bearing hurricane-force winds remains over one spot for long enough, “it’s eventually going to flatten everything,” Kossin said.

 ?? STEVE HELBER/AP PHOTO ?? Boats are stacked up at the Port Sanibel Marina after Hurricane Ian ran through the area Thursday in Fort Myers, Fla.
STEVE HELBER/AP PHOTO Boats are stacked up at the Port Sanibel Marina after Hurricane Ian ran through the area Thursday in Fort Myers, Fla.

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