The Day

Where did all the missiles go?

Cleaning up waste and inefficien­cies at the Defense Department would make the U.S. military a stronger fighting machine.

- This appeared in the Las Vegas Journal-Review:

Defense spending is vital to the ensure the nation’s security. But that doesn’t mean the Pentagon should be above budget scrutiny. Far from it, as a recent audit reveals.

Last week, the Government Accountabi­lity Office concluded that the Pentagon cannot account for at least $220 billion in military gear given out to defense contractor­s. Nor is this a new phenomenon. The report found that the Defense Department has for at least four decades “struggled” to accurately inventory billions in “government furnished property,” or GFP in bureaucrat­ese.

Such equipment can include weapons, missiles, ammunition, torpedoes, component parts and other items. The materiel is sometimes turned over to contractor­s for maintenanc­e or modificati­on.

Over the years, however, Congress has done little to impose consequenc­es for this slipshod oversight of taxpayer property. Defense officials have repeatedly vowed to make improvemen­ts but have yet to meet numerous deadlines to do so. A promise to have the situation remedied by 2005 turned into 2011, which turned into 2016, which turned into 2017, which turned into 2019, which turned into 2020, which is now 2026.

The GAO findings come on the heels of the Pentagon in November failing its fifth audit in a row. The agency could account for only 39% of its $3.5 trillion in assets. As Connor Eichels of Responsibl­e Statecraft wrote, “The U.S. military has the distinctio­n of being the only U.S. government agency to have never passed a comprehens­ive audit.”

The Pentagon benefits mightily from the reality that Republican­s and a great many Democrats don’t want to be seen as “soft on defense.” There’s good reason for this. Given the instabilit­y around the globe today, it’s more vital than ever that the United States maintain a 21st century military capable of overwhelmi­ng potential enemies.

But cleaning up waste and inefficien­cies at the Defense Department would make the U.S. military a stronger fighting machine.

“If the Department of Education couldn’t account for more than 39% of its assets, conservati­ves would rightly be outraged about the rampant waste,” Eric Boehm of Reason wrote last week. “If the Department of Transporta­tion had misplaced more than $220 billion of equipment, they would likely haul Secretary Pete Buttigieg before a committee to answer for the mess.”

He’s right, of course. House Republican­s are looking to leverage the debt ceiling crisis to persuade the White House to agree to spending restraint down the road. They probably will fail, but at least they’re bringing attention to the Beltway’s spending addiction. They would be on much stronger ground, however, if they didn’t exempt from such discussion­s a Pentagon that has no idea where $220 billion in property has gone.

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