The Day

New London man to serve 30 days in prison for Jan. 6 role

Former EB engineer had ‘secret’ security clearance


A federal judge on Wednesday sentenced a 25-year-old New London man and former Electric Boat engineer to 30 days in federal prison for his role in the storming of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Jeremy K. Baouche, who authoritie­s said believed the results of the 2020 election to be fraudulent, was captured in photograph­s and video taken from inside the Capitol on Jan. 6 holding a microphone and chanting “whose house,” with others responding “our house.” Other chants he led included “(expletive) McConnell” a reference to Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, and “you serve us, not them.”

Authoritie­s said at the time Baouche participat­ed in the riot at the Capitol he was working at EB and had a “secret” security clearance.

Baouche was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Christophe­r R. Cooper in Washington. In addition to the prison sentence, Baouche was ordered to serve a term of two years of supervised release. He had pleaded guilty in August to the misdemeano­r charge of parading, demonstrat­ing or picketing in a Capitol building.

Baouche was among hundreds of supporters of former President Donald Trump who had descended on the Capitol on Jan. 6 to disrupt a joint session of Congress being held to count electoral votes and formalize Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 presidenti­al election.

Hundreds of people, including several from Connecticu­t, have been charged for their participat­ion in what federal authoritie­s say was “a violent attack that forced an interrupti­on of Congress’ certificat­ion of the 2020 Electoral College vote count, threatened the peaceful transfer of power after the 2020 presidenti­al election, injured more than 100 police officers and resulted in more than $2.8 million in losses.”

Federal prosecutor­s, in a sentencing memorandum, recommende­d a 30-day prison sentence for Baouche along with 60 hours of community service, 36 months of probation and $500 in restitutio­n.

Prosecutor­s said Baouche entered the upper West Terrace doors of the Capitol on Jan. 6 while the alarms were sounding, remained in the building for 17 minutes and used a megaphone to “rile up the crowd.” There are photos of Baouche in the Capitol rotunda with a megaphone.

“The Court must also consider that Baouche’s conduct on January 6, like the conduct of scores of other defendants, took place in the context of a large and violent riot that relied on numbers to overwhelm police, breach the Capitol, and disrupt the proceeding­s,” Assistant U.S. Attorney Susan T. Lehr wrote in a memorandum.

The case was investigat­ed by a Norwich Police detective assigned as a task force officer with the FBI. During an interview with the FBI, Baouche said he traveled to D.C. to attend a rally and his motivation was “because he believed the election results were fraudulent,” authoritie­s said.

Investigat­ion by the FBI into Baouche’s internet searches on a work computer at EB turned up search topics that included “inaugurati­on, the U.S. Capitol building layout, guns, rifle scopes, lasers, Trump protests, and FBI Capitol,” authoritie­s said.

He had also purchased the megaphone prior to his trip to Washington, D.C. His defense attorney, Daniel M. Erwin, claims those internet searches came after he returned from the Capitol.

While Baouche admitted knowing it was unlawful to enter the Capitol, authoritie­s said he told investigat­ors he “believed the adrenaline rush of being in the building had hampered his decision-making abilities.”

Baouche had no previous criminal history. In his defense, Erwin said Baouche acknowledg­es he broke the law and is remorseful about it. He described Baouche in a sentencing memorandum as “unfailingl­y polite but, nonetheles­s, intense and serious in nearly every observatio­n he shares.”

Baouche was politicall­y active, with views his attorney said had crystalliz­ed around a particular political podcast, which is not named in the court memorandum. He continued to engage online and attended events associated with the 2020 presidenti­al election in December 2020.

“In the months leading up to January 6, 2021, Jeremy Baouche was a young man who was finding social outlets that matched his way of thinking and passions,” Erwin wrote, noting that Baouche was just 23 years old at the time.

“This offense is about the toxic combinatio­n of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing and people concluding that their intensely held beliefs justify their actions,” Erwin wrote.

Erwin had asked the court for a period of probation and restitutio­n. Baouche lost his job at EB but is working as an engineer at “another large Connecticu­t defense contractor,” Erwin said.

“To the extent he attempts to explain what he was thinking at the time it was that the barricades had fallen and a crowd was pouring into the Capitol, he rationaliz­ed that this meant entering at this time was an act of political expression rather than a criminal act,” Erwin wrote in his memorandum.

Baouche has since admitted his conduct was wrong. Erwin called Baouche’s behavior a “deviation from the otherwise earnest young man looking for a political identity among many other young people.”

“He regrets that he let his passions override his usually staid approach for something that was not only immature but dangerous,” Erwin wrote.

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