The Day

Biden asks for more than $20 billion in aid for Ukraine

$40B request includes $12B in U.S. domestic disaster funds after deadly climate season


— The Biden administra­tion on Thursday asked Congress to provide more than $13 billion in emergency defense aid to Ukraine and an additional $8 billion for humanitari­an support through the end of the year, another massive infusion of cash as the Russian invasion wears on and Ukraine pushes a counteroff­ensive against the Kremlin’s deeply entrenched forces.

The package includes $12 billion to replenish U.S. federal disaster funds at home after a deadly climate season of heat and storms, and funds to bolster the enforcemen­t at the Southern border with Mexico, including money to curb the flow of deadly fentanyl. All told, it’s a $40 billion package.

While the last such supplement­al spending request from the White House for Ukraine funding was easily approved in 2022 despite reservatio­ns from Republican­s, there’s a different dynamic this time.

A political divide on the issue has steadily grown, with the Republican-led House facing enormous pressure to demonstrat­e support for the party’s leader, Donald Trump, who has been very skeptical of the war. And American support for the effort has been slowly softening.

White House budget director Shalanda Young, in a letter to House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, urged swift action to follow through on the U.S. “commitment to the Ukrainian peoples’ defense of their homeland and to democracy around the world” as well as other needs.

The request was crafted with an eye to picking up support from Republican­s, as well as Democrats, particular­ly with increased domestic funding around border issues — a top priority for the GOP. The Republican­s have been highly critical of the Biden administra­tion’s approach to halting the flow of migrants crossing from Mexico.

Still, the price tag of $40 billion may be too much for Republican­s who are fighting to slash, not raise, federal outlays. As a supplement­al request, the package the White House is sending to Congress falls outside the budget caps both parties agreed to as part of the debt ceiling showdown earlier this year.

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., said in a statement there was strong bipartisan support in the U.S. Senate.

“The latest request from the Biden administra­tion shows America’s continued commitment to helping Americans here at home and our friends abroad,” he said. “We hope to join with our Republican colleagues this fall to avert an unnecessar­y government shutdown and fund this critical emergency supplement­al request.”

Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, who has championed of support for Ukraine, was more subdued.

“I look forward to carefully reviewing the Administra­tion’s request to make sure it is necessary and appropriat­e,” McConnell said in a statement, “to keep America safe, secure our borders, support our allies, and help communitie­s rebuild after disasters.”

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