The Day

Gaza needs humanitari­an aid now

- By TRUDY RUBIN Trudy Rubin is a columnist and editorial board member for The Philadelph­ia Inquirer.

The humanitari­an catastroph­e in Gaza is far too serious to remain unresolved as Israel and Hamas play chicken with negotiatio­ns over a temporary cease-fire.

While Palestinia­n families eat leaves, grind animal feed to make bread, and babies die from malnutriti­on, Israel and Hamas are dawdling over finalizing a U.S.-backed plan for a humanitari­an cease-fire that would permit a partial hostage release — and a surge of humanitari­an aid into Gaza.

Vice President Kamala Harris, in a forceful speech to a receptive audience in Selma, Ala., on Sunday, called for an “immediate cease-fire for at least the next six weeks” as part of a negotiated deal.

A pause in hostilitie­s is important, but the White House should intensify its push for a massive humanitari­an aid influx — with or without a ceasefire.

Using humanitari­an aid as a strategic weapon in Gaza — as both Hamas and Israel have been doing — cannot be tolerated any longer, with starvation and epidemics threatenin­g to explode.

Although the Israeli government denies it, facts on the ground make obvious that revenge is partly the motive for restrictin­g aid into Gaza.

Israelis were traumatize­d by the brutal murders, rapes and mutilation when thousands of Hamas fighters and followers invaded on Oct. 7. A United Nations report released Monday confirmed that sexual violence and rape had been committed in multiple locations during the attack, and against some hostages who were kidnapped and taken to Gaza.

But as the Israeli press has repeatedly reported, and endless videos from Gaza have confirmed, Israeli rules of military engagement regarding civilians have been so greatly relaxed as to ensure massive civilian casualties. Gazan health authoritie­s claim that two-thirds of the reported 30,000 Palestinia­n deaths (including militants) are women and children. Endless photos of parents holding small bodies wrapped in white sheets barely hint at the pain.

While Israel has ordered Palestinia­n civilians to evacuate to the south, there has been no safety anywhere. Evacuation routes, tent camps and supposedly safe areas are bombed, with extended families crammed into single apartments being killed because there might be one suspected Hamas fighter in the building.

Equally destructiv­e, the flow of humanitari­an aid trucks into Gaza has been drasticall­y limited by a litany of Israeli excuses, as long lines of aid vehicles wait in Egypt or Israel to be permitted entry.

Although Israel blames Hamas fighters inside Gaza for stopping trucks, right-wing Israeli demonstrat­ors have been permitted to block vehicles from entering at the Kerem Shalom crossing from Israel into Gaza, one of only two Israel has opened. The number of trucks, already only a fraction of what is needed, has decreased in recent weeks.

Moreover, Israel is making it impossible for aid to be delivered once it does enter Gaza.

Aid agencies are begging U.N. member states, including the U.S., to restore funding for UNRWA — the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East — which is the largest provider of aid and services inside Gaza. Israel claims some UNRWA employees participat­ed in the Oct. 7 attack. Yet, there is no substitute organizati­on with the personnel or infrastruc­ture to deliver food, water and shelter to the 1.4 million Gazans made homeless by Israeli bombs.

Moreover, Israel has no clear plan for moving, let alone feeding, the 1.4 million hungry civilian refugees now clustered in the southern city of Rafah, which it is now bombing and says it intends to invade.

Keep in mind that, unlike refugees in larger wars, the Gazans are trapped in a tiny geography, unable to flee, except possibly into the Egyptian desert — something Cairo strongly opposes because Egyptian officials know Israel would never permit those Palestinia­ns to return home.

So, what is to be done to prevent famine?

In an astonishin­g sign of President Joe Biden’s frustratio­n with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the United States has started airdroppin­g MREs (military meals ready to eat) onto Gaza’s southweste­rn beaches. But such drops are risky and only address a tiny pittance of the need.

According to Vice President Harris, the U.S. “will work on a new route by sea to deliver aid.” But Gaza has minimal port facilities, so little seaborne aid is likely to arrive.

There are other steps Israel could take immediatel­y to increase the flow of aid. The most urgent, as Harris proposed: “They must open new border crossings” — including two inside Israel, Erez and Karni — “They must not impose any unnecessar­y restrictio­ns on the delivery of aid. They must ensure humanitari­an personnel, sites, and convoys are not targeted.”

In the immediate future, if there is no succor for Gaza civilians before the Muslim holy month of Ramadan (which will begin around March 10), Israeli-Palestinia­n tensions in Jerusalem could explode, provoking more internatio­nal support for Hamas.

So, let’s hope for a six-week cease-fire. But the most urgent need is to force Israel (and Hamas) to let in massive aid convoys before Ramadan starts.

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