The Day

Pope overcomes health issues to preside over Easter Mass


— Pope Francis rallied from a winter-long bout of respirator­y problems to lead some 60,000 people in Easter celebratio­ns Sunday, making a strong appeal for a cease-fire in Gaza and a prisoner swap between Russia and Ukraine.

Francis presided over Easter Sunday Mass in a flower-decked St. Peter’s Square and then delivered a heartfelt prayer for peace in his annual roundup of global crises. Gaza’s people, including the small Christian community there, have been a source of constant concern for Francis and Easter in the Holy Land overall was a somber affair this year given the war.

“Peace is never made with weapons, but with outstretch­ed hands and open hearts,” Francis said from the loggia overlookin­g the square, to applause from the wind-swept crowd below.

Francis appeared in good form, despite having celebrated the 2½-hour nighttime Easter Vigil just hours before. The pontiff, who had part of one lung removed as a young man, has been battling respirator­y problems all winter and his full participat­ion in Easter services was not entirely guaranteed, especially after he skipped the traditiona­l Good Friday procession.

But in a sign the 87-year-old pontiff was feeling OK, he made several loops around the piazza in his popemobile after Mass, greeting well-wishers.

The Vatican said some 60,000 people attended the Mass.

Easter Mass is one of the most important dates on the liturgical calendar, celebratin­g what the faithful believe was Jesus’ resurrecti­on after his crucifixio­n. The Mass precedes the “Urbi et Orbi” (to the city and the world) blessing, in which the pope offers a laundry list of the threats afflicting humanity.

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