The Day

Lawsuits alleges pesticide in your bowl of Cheerios


Cheerios, the nation’s best-selling cereal, may contain high levels of a toxic pesticide, according to two class-action lawsuits filed earlier this year.

The federal suits claim several varieties of Cheerios have up to three times a proposed “safe” level of the pesticide chlormequa­t chloride, which has been shown to disrupt fetal growth and reproducti­ve systems in animal studies.

“No reasonable consumer would ever expect that a food product — especially one heavily marketed to children and families — would contain dangerous pesticides,” said one of the suits, filed in California.

“Failure to disclose that the products contain, or risk containing, a dangerous pesticide that can affect human health is misleading,” said the other, filed in New York.

Golden Valley-based General Mills did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment Wednesday morning. Judges in both cases recently granted the company an extra month to file responses to the lawsuits, which are seeking more than $5 million in damages.

The Environmen­tal Protection Agency does not currently allow chlormequa­t on domestical­ly grown food crops but is considerin­g allowing it after opening the door to chlormequa­t residue on some imported grains in 2018. The pesticide can prevent plants from bending over, impeding harvest, and it “works to control plant size by blocking the hormones that stimulate growth prior to bloom,” according to the EPA.

The nonprofit Environmen­tal Working Group (EWG) found chlormequa­t in Cheerios, Quaker Oats and other non-organic oat products in tests last year, and also in increasing frequency in the urine of several dozen adults in the U.S. in recent years.

“Animal studies show chlormequa­t can damage the reproducti­ve system and disrupt fetal growth, creating particular concerns about how ingesting it might harm children,” the advocacy group wrote.

Cheerios, often one of the first solid foods young children eat, have had a moment in the spotlight lately. Kathy Cargill incorrectl­y used the phrase “peed in his Cheerios” in a Wall Street Journal interview about her property purchases in Duluth and the ensuing pushback over her lack of transparen­cy.

The phrase is more commonly heard as “Who peed in your Cheerios?” to refer to someone’s grumpiness.

In response to the squabble, Duluthians donated hundreds of boxes of Cheerios and $50,000 to local food pantries and nonprofits in recent weeks.

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