The Day

Dems scapegoat supermarke­ts for government’s inflation tax

- By CHRIS POWELL Chris Powell has written about Connecticu­t government and politics for many years. He can be reached at

Democrats in Connecticu­t think they have found someone other than their national administra­tion to blame for the inflation ravaging the country: supermarke­ts charging too much for groceries.

So state Attorney General William Tong announced last week that he is sending letters to supermarke­t chains asking about their profits, and Democratic leaders in the General Assembly are proposing legislatio­n to give him more authority to investigat­e “price gouging” generally.

It’s more like scapegoati­ng than consumer protection.

While the food industry has suffered much anti-competitiv­e consolidat­ion as other industries have, supermarke­ts are at the bottom of the food chain and typically their profit margins on products are low. Sales volume is where supermarke­ts have made their money.

A Federal Trade Commission report cited by the Democrats as having prompted their inquiry about supermarke­ts is not so alarming. It says supermarke­t profits are marginally higher now than they were before the recent virus epidemic and the supply disruption­s it caused. But then corporate profits have risen elsewhere as well, perhaps because the epidemic drove many smaller companies out of business.

In any case most prices of important products and services, not just food, have risen sharply around the world, and food prices have soared even in countries without supermarke­ts in the American style. So even if anti-competitiv­e conduct can be found in the supermarke­t business, food price inflation extends far beyond it.

As for “price gouging,” the term is overused in free-market economies, since “price gouging” is possible only where there isn’t enough competitio­n. If “price gouging” in food retailing is really a problem, Connecticu­t Democrats are opportunis­tically late to discover it — just when their president has presided over more inflation than the country has suffered in decades.

Even as Attorney General Tong was complainin­g about food prices last week, the U.S. Postal Service announced that postage rates soon will be raised 7%. This will have taken them up 30% in four years. That inflation is government’s doing, not the private sector’s.

In addition, over the long term government expenditur­es generally exceed the official inflation rate, and most groups getting money from government in Connecticu­t are clamoring for still more, and it isn’t just because food has gotten more expensive. Everything has.

Taxes lately have not gone up to match increases in government spending, which is a big clue about where inflation is coming from. For both the federal government and state government increasing­ly are being financed not by taxes but by spectacula­r borrowing by the federal government, a form of money creation, since the debt is purchased by the Federal Reserve or foreign government­s.

This financing of government via money creation is the biggest part of inflation — and no one in the Democratic federal and state administra­tions expresses concern about it.

Practicall­y every day Democratic elected officials in Connecticu­t congratula­te themselves on their disburseme­nt of goodies or grants financed with federal inflation money. They also insist that billions more should be spent on our proxy war against Russia in Ukraine. These devotees of free money paused last week only to blame supermarke­ts for the dollar’s loss of value, confident that journalism would not pose even one critical question to challenge the ruse.

Local autonomy or not?

If, as advocates of repealing property taxes on cars maintain, municipal property taxes on cars are unfair because identical cars can be taxed at different rates in different towns, then local autonomy is unfair too, since different rates are the products of local autonomy.

The big issue behind the car tax is how much local autonomy Connecticu­t wants. Should all towns operate the same way, with state government making all municipal decisions?

Connecticu­t’s political economy long has been to make the cities concentrat­ion camps for the poor, exploited by the government class ministerin­g to them, provided that people who want and can afford something better can escape to the suburbs.

Would a consolidat­ed system rescue the cities or just ruin the rest of the state? Who wants to take the risk?

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