The Day

Tooth and Nail


Today’s North-South were a dentist and manicurist we call “Tooth and Nail” since that’s how they argue. How their partnershi­p endures is a mystery.

Tooth, North, pushed on to five spades over West’s five-heart save. West led a trump, and Nail won and conceded a heart. She won the trump return, ruffed a heart, led a diamond to her ace and drew trumps. Nail next let the jack of clubs ride. East won and cashed a heart. Down one.


Came the inevitable “discussion.” Tooth: “I should know not to bid five spades when you’ll be declarer.”

Nail: “I finessed in clubs through the man who bid at the two level. Your five spades was crazy. Double five hearts for plus 500.”

I won’t discuss the auction, but Nail’s play at five spades was questionab­le at best. She might take the ace of diamonds at Trick Two, then lead a heart. She wins a trump return in dummy, ruffs a diamond, ruffs a heart and ruffs a diamond. When East discards, West can hold at most two clubs. The odds favor playing East for the queen. DAILY QUESTION You hold: ♠ KJ6 ♥ 4 ♦ 7 5 4 3 2 ♣ A 10 9 2. Your partner opens one heart, you respond 1NT and he bids two spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner has a strong hand — in some styles, enough strength to commit to game. You must not pass; his “reverse” is forcing. You would bid 2NT with J 6 5, Q, Q 10 7 6 4, K 10 4 3. As it is, your diamonds are weak, hence raise to three spades. Partner will know you lack four-card support since you didn’t respond one spade. South dealer

N-S vulnerable

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