The Day

Boston Police investigat­ing ‘anti-American’ July 4 defacement of war monuments


Boston — Boston City Councilor Ed Flynn, a U.S. Navy veteran, blasted a “disgusting” hate crime that left several monuments in the Common and Public Garden defaced with “antisemiti­c and anti-American” graffiti on the eve of Independen­ce Day.

Flynn was on hand at the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, dedicated to U.S. servicemen from the city who died in the Civil War, in the Boston Common Friday, where, despite the efforts of city cleaning crews, messages of “Free Palestine” and “Death to Amerikkka” were still noticeable on the monument, stairs and benches.

“On July 3 into July 4, to desecrate and vandalize memorials to American soldiers and sailors and our veterans is beyond disappoint­ing,” said Flynn, while clad in a U.S. Navy baseball cap. “It’s disgusting and there should be no place in society for that type of hate crime.”

Flynn said he’s looking for arrests to be made, and if there’s enough evidence to warrant bringing hate crime charges against the perpetrato­r(s), he supports that and would push for the acts of vandalism to be prosecuted that way as well.

“I do believe these are hate crimes when you target the Jewish community with horrific messages and you also target American veterans,” Flynn said.

A Boston Police report categorize­s the vandalism, which took place on the night of July 3, roughly 10 minutes before the start of the Independen­ce Day holiday, as a “hate/bias” crime that was referred to the department’s civil rights unit.

About six “unknown” suspects were caught on surveillan­ce camera, but no arrests were made as of Friday evening, the report and a police spokesman said.

Upon arrival, a responding officer “observed 15 benches around the Soldiers and Sailors Monument vandalized with graffiti and it said ‘Death to Amerikkka,’” the police report states.

The message was seemingly referencin­g the KKK or Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacis­t far-right terror group, and was particular­ly notable for being scrawled on and around a monument dedicated to the Civil War, which led to the end of slavery in the United States.

Flynn said he was uncertain as to what the reference was about specifical­ly, in terms of the way it appeared in the anti-American graffiti, but he interprete­d it as a message of “division,” “hate” and “violence that has no place in our city.”

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