The Day



The head of a Philadelph­ia radio station said Sunday it has parted ways with a host who acknowledg­ed that she interviewe­d President Biden with questions submitted by his campaign, going against the station’s practice and those of most news outlets.

“On July 3, the first post-debate interview with President Joe Biden was arranged and negotiated independen­tly by WURD radio host Andrea Lawful-Sanders without knowledge, consultati­on or collaborat­ion with WURD management,” Sara M. Lomax, president and CEO of WURD Radio said in a statement.

“The interview featured pre-determined questions provided by the White House, which violates our practice of remaining an independen­t media outlet accountabl­e to our listeners. As a result, Ms. Lawful-Sanders and WURD Radio mutually agreed to part ways, effective immediatel­y.”

Lomax described the station as Philadelph­ia’s only independen­tly owned Black talk radio station. She said such a move violated the trust the station has developed with its audience over the last two decades, and “is not a practice that WURD Radio engages in or endorses as a matter of practice or official policy.”

She added: “WURD Radio is not a mouthpiece for the Biden or any other Administra­tion,” and that “we will commit to reviewing our policies, procedures, and practices to reinforce WURD’s independen­ce and trust with our listeners. But mainstream media should do its own introspect­ion to explore how they have lost the trust of so many Americans, Black Americans chief among them.”

In a one-minute video posted on Facebook on Sunday, Lawful-Sanders said, “effective immediatel­y I am no longer an on-air host at WURD. I tendered my resignatio­n yesterday. It was accepted.”

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