The Denver Post



If you or someone near and dear is one of those folks who brings along her own pillow on car and even airplane trips (there are many of us, of all ages), listen up. Sound Oasis, makers of portable sound machines that produce white sound and nature recordings meant to block out other noises and lull you to sleep, has introduced its own hypoallerg­enic polyester fiberfill pillow with two ultra-thin stereo speakers positioned deep within the foam. A 73-inch-long cord with a standard 3.5 mm headphone plug can link the speakers to your smartphone, laptop or MP3 player for playing your own recorded soothing music or any of dozens of free sleep-sound apps available for iOS and Android devices or via websites. With your head nestled in the Sound Oasis Sleep Therapy pillow, your ears are surrounded with lolling sounds. The speakers have inline volume control, so you don’t have to tinker with your electronic device to get just the right loudness. The stereo speakers are only about .75 inches thick, require no batteries, and can be removed when the pillow needs washing. Prefer your own trusty pillow? Sound Oasis Sleep Therapy Pillow speakers with inline volume control are available without the pillow. Just position them where most comfy and soothing, plug into an electronic device loaded with sleep-friendly music or apps— perhaps even a gentle but insistent alarm clock app (mine wakes me with chimes), and you’re good to go snooze near and far.

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