The Denver Post


Cases across the nation inflame tensions, raise questions about racial justice, use of force

- By Tom Hayes and Colleen Long

new york » From the White House to the streets of some of America’s biggest cities, the New York chokehold case converged with the Ferguson, Mo., shooting and investigat­ions out of South Carolina and Cleveland to stir a national conversati­on Thursday about racial justice and police use of force.

Aday after a grand jury cleared a white New York City officer in the death of a black man, civil rights leaders pinned their hopes on a promised federal investigat­ion. Demonstrat­ors protested for a second night in New York and turned out in Denver, Detroit and Minneapoli­s. And politician­s and others talked about the need for better police training, body cameras and changes in the grand jury process to restore faith in the legal system.

“A whole generation of officers will be trained in a new way,” New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said. He and his police commission­er outlined previously announced plans to teach officers howto communicat­e better with people on the street.

President Barack Obama weighed in, saying one of the chief issues at stake is “making sure that people have confidence that police and law enforcemen­t and prosecutor­s are serving everybody equally.”

Even before the decision in the Eric Garner chokehold case, racial tensions were running high because of last

week’s grand jury decision not to charge a white officer in the shooting death of black 18-year-old Michael Brown in Ferguson.

Other cases were added to the mix Thursday:

• In the tiny South Carolina town of Eutawville, a white former police chief was charged with murder in the 2011 shooting of an unarmed black man.

• In Cleveland, the U.S. Justice Department found that officers use excessive force far too often, causing deep mistrust, especially among blacks. The investigat­ion was prompted chiefly by a 2012 car chase that ended in the deaths of two unarmed people in a hail of 137 bullets.

Just last week, protesters took to the streets of Cleveland after a white police officer fatally shot a black 12-year-old boy carrying what turned out to be pellet gun.

At a news conference in New York after a night of protests led to 83 arrests, the Rev. Al Sharpton called the state-level grand jury system “broken” when it comes to police brutality cases and urged federal authoritie­s to fix it.

“The federal government must do in the 21st century what it did in the mid-20th century,” he said. “Federal interventi­on must come now and protect people from state grand juries.”

Still, federal civil rights cases against police officers are exceedingl­y rare.

In the past two decades, only a few such cases have reached trial in New York— most notably the one involving Abner Louima, who was sodomized with a broom handle in a police station in 1997. Several other high-profile cases didn’t come together.

That’s largely because federal prosecutor­s must meet a high standard of proof in showing that police deliberate­ly deprived victims of their civil rights through excessive force, said Alan Vinegrad, who as a federal prosecutor handled the Louima case.

Federal interventi­on “doesn’t happen often, and it shouldn’t happen often,” said James Jacobs, a constituti­onal law professor at New York University Law School. “They should only step in when the local prosecutio­n was a sham.”

Activists have claimed that the grand jury investigat­ion of Garner’s death was indeed a sham. An amateur video showed Officer Daniel Pantaleo putting Garner in an apparent chokehold, and the medical examiner said the maneuver contribute­d to the death.

Pantaleo’s attorney, Stuart London, expressed confidence on Thursday that his client won’t face federal prosecutio­n.

“There’s very specific guidelines that are not met in this case,” London said. “This is a regular street encounter. It doesn’t fall into the parameters.”

Acting at the Staten Island district attorney’s request, a judge released a few details Thursday from the grand jury proceeding­s — among other things, it watched four videos and heard from 50 witnesses, 22 of them civilians. District Attorney Daniel Donovan didn’t ask for testimony, transcript­s or exhibits to be made public.

But London offered some details Thursday, saying the officer’s testimony focused on “his remorse and the fact that he never meant to harm Mr. Gardner that day.”

Pantaleo admitted he heard Garner say, “I can’t breathe,” but thought that once he got him down on the ground and put him on his side, he would be revived by paramedics, London said. The officer also testified that he “used a takedown move and any contact to the neck was incidental,” the lawyer added.

London said the grand jury also heard from other officers who described how Pantaleo had tried in vain to talk Garner into complying with them — something not seen on video.

“Let’s make this easy. You’ve been through this before,” the officer said he told Garner.

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said the state should consider better police training, body cameras and changes to the grand jury process to help restore public trust.

Cuomo said the Garner case and others like it around the country have a “corrosive” effect and cause many to lose faith in the criminal justice system.

 ??  ?? NEW YORK Eric Garner died after a scuffle that broke out July 17 as officers tried to arrest him for selling untaxed cigarettes on the street in Staten Island. New York Police Dept.
NEW YORK Eric Garner died after a scuffle that broke out July 17 as officers tried to arrest him for selling untaxed cigarettes on the street in Staten Island. New York Police Dept.
 ??  ?? CLEVELAND Tamir Rice, 12, was fatally shot by police who thought his pellet gun was a real firearm. A federal report offers a scathing review of the city’s force. Associated Press file
CLEVELAND Tamir Rice, 12, was fatally shot by police who thought his pellet gun was a real firearm. A federal report offers a scathing review of the city’s force. Associated Press file
 ?? Associated Press file ?? FERGUSON, MO. Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed after a scuffle over a police officer’s gun, touching off racial unrest in and around St. Louis.
Associated Press file FERGUSON, MO. Michael Brown, 18, was shot and killed after a scuffle over a police officer’s gun, touching off racial unrest in and around St. Louis.

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