The Denver Post

Dismayed by candidates’ behavior at last week’s Republican debate

Re: “Trump on his heels as Rubio, Cruz kick,” Feb. 26 news story.


I fear our country is in grave trouble. Not simply because one party is considerin­g a democratic socialist whose ideas are simply pie in the sky and a former unlikable, non trusted secretary of state, but also because of the terrible spectacle we witnessed at last Thursday’s Republican debate. All I saw was a schoolyard bully with no specific solutions to problems vs. a no- accomplish­ment- record version of Pee Wee Herman— “I know you are, but what am I”— thrown in with a hatedbyhis- peers Tea Party extremist, a governor who no one takes seriously and a doctor who is begging to be insulted.

Bottom line here is all the candidates from both parties are terrible and frankly nonpreside­ntial. Has the Founding Fathers’ great experiment in democracy finally imploded as once predicted that it would by the European kings of the 18th century?

Tim Bauer, Conifer I believe that I am one of many frustrated Democrats who watched in disbelief the last Republican debate. The top three’s behavior was an embarrassm­ent to their party and to our country. The current lack of leadership in Washington, Congress’ inability to agree on most everything, and most importantl­y a national debt that will most certainly cripple this nation sooner and not later are most disturbing. However, Gov. John Kasich is in my opinion the most qualified to be the next president. His record speaks for itself. Check him out.

Allen Vean, Denver

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