The Denver Post

A California primer for Trump, Cruz and Kasich

- By Ruben Navarrette Jr. E-mail Ruben Navarrette Jr. at ruben@ rubennavar­

In this presidenti­al election, California could count for a lot. And that’s an idea that many residents of the Golden State are going to need some time getting used to.

For many years, the nation’s most populous state — with its 39 million people, 58 counties and 163,000 square miles — has been on the sidelines. The California primary isn’t until June 7, and, typically by then, the Democratic and Republican races have long been settled.

But that’s not true in this year’s Republican primary, which is likely to still be fluid by the time California votes.

And in order to do well in a state where the lion’s share of 172 delegates will be allotted according to those who win each congressio­nal district — three delegates per district — Donald Trump, John Kasich and Ted Cruz could stand to learn a few things about politics in the Golden State.

For starters, according to some of the polls I saw last year, many Republican­s here would have preferred to have had the chance to vote for someone else. Not Trump, but Jeb Bush. Not Cruz, but Marco Rubio. Not Kasich, but Scott Walker. That’s where the excitement was. Now voters will have to make do with their second or third choices.

The state is different now than the one I grew up in. Back then, there was a comity to the place that, to me, seemed epitomized by the ethnic harmony in my hometown in Central California. The children of Armenian farmers went to school with those of Mexican farmworker­s, the Portuguese ran the dairies and Japanese farmers grew plums and peaches. Lifelong friendship­s born of shared experience­s allowed people to bridge their difference­s. And, for the most part, everyone got along.

Today, the typical California­n migrated here from somewhere else, faraway places like Ohio, Michigan and Wisconsin. And often they brought their politics with them.

I now live in an affluent suburb sandwiched between one neighbor who likes what Trump has to say, and another who is feeling the Bern. And when we all get together, we either talk about politics delicately or skip the subject altogether.

Finally, California is a dark “blue” state where every statewide elected official is a Democrat, and Democrats hold so many seats in the Legislatur­e that they don’t need a single Republican vote to pass a bill. That’s how we ended up recently with a $15 minimum wage. What the unions want, the unions get.

We got here through a mixture of demographi­cs and stupidity. Latinos now make up more than 38 percent of California’s population, and they outnumber every other group, including whites. So it wasn’t smart for former Republican Gov. Pete Wilson to peddle anti-immigrant demagoguer­y back in 1994 by pushing an indecent ballot initiative called Propositio­n 187, which would have denied undocument­ed immigrants and their U.S.-born children education, social services and non-emergency health care. For short-term gain, Wilson put his own party on the road to ruin.

Today, the GOP brand is toxic to most Latinos. And Republican­s are practicall­y an endangered species in this state. You can be a superb GOP candidate and still lose to a mediocre Democrat. In fact, it happens all the time.

And that’s why I doubt that Trump’s carnival show will find much of an audience in California. After all, Democrats couldn’t be happier about how the last 20 years turned out. But a lot of Republican­s got burned the last time an ethnic arsonist came here to play with matches. And hopefully, many of them will be leery about once again going near the flame.

Otherwise, there’s another concept that California Republican­s might as well get used to: extinction.

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