The Denver Post

Can’t shake those slow-growth blues


Back when Jeb Bush was still an active candidate for president, skeptics derided his oft-repeated claim that “there is not a reason in the world why we cannot grow at a rate of 4 percent a year.” And of course 4 percent growth is a bit of a reach — at least on a consistent basis — since it’s occurred only about a third of the time during the past 60 years.

But at least Bush focused on a critical goal that the remaining candidates of both parties seem to relegate to the second tier. How can we boost the lackluster growth that has plagued the economy since it emerged from the Great Recession in 2009?

There hasn’t been a single year during this span with so much as 3 percent annual growth, and few even close.

Higher growth would create more jobs, raise most incomes, reduce the deficit, and delay the day of reckoning for entitlemen­t programs. It would temper social friction and instill a sense of optimism about the prospects for the next generation.

And yet every time in recent years the economy appeared poised to hit its stride with solid, sustained growth, it has pulled up lame. The latest example involves the past six months. As The New York Times reported this week, “The nation’s gross domestic product advanced at a mere 0.5 percent annual growth rate during the first quarter after a mediocre increase for the final quarter of 2015, the Commerce Department reported on Thursday, suggesting that the economy is stalled.”

To be sure, as The Times notes, other economic indicators aren’t so glum, such as those for hiring and wages. But over the long haul, economic growth (and its cousin, productivi­ty growth) are key to elevating living standards.

“At a growth rate of five percent per annum, it takes just over eighty years for a country to move from a per capita income of $500 to a per capita income of $25,000, defining both in terms of constant real dollars,” the economist Tyler Cowen once wrote. “At a growth rate of one percent, such an improvemen­t takes 393 years.”

So let’s hear it for economic growth, and more emphasis from the candidates on h0w to produce it.

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