The Denver Post

Almost perfect

There’s no denying the draw of its beauty – and that’s a problem

- By Jon Murray

It’s become one of the most recognizab­le sights in Colorado: Beneath towering rock faces, idyllic waterfalls tumble into a lake of crystal-blue-tinted water. But knowing what Hanging Lake looks like doesn’t prepare you for the experience, one that’s earned on a challengin­g trail that climbs 1,000 feet above the floor of Glenwood Canyon in a little over a mile.

“I know I’ve seen pictures of it, but pictures don’t really do it justice,” said Lisa Schneider, a recent transplant to Denver from New Jersey, just minutes into her first visit this month. “When I turned that corner, literally my breath caught. It’s just gorgeous.”

But visitors to Hanging Lake — from Colorado, the rest of the country and the world — are loving it to death, or so forest rangers fear.

Already, as visitation has surged 81 percent in just three years to nearly 133,000 last year, the popularity has resulted in an overflowin­g parking lot during warm months. And rangers worry about ecological concerns that include a trail that’s widening from heavy foot traffic and diminishin­g water quality in the delicate environmen­t.

In the social media age, people proudly post Instagram photos of themselves standing on the lake’s signature floating log — sometimes naked — or standing in the gushing Spouting Rock waterfall upstream from the lake. Some bring their dogs. All of those things are forbidden by signs but occur regularly at the White River National Forest site, which the U.S. Forest Service can’t afford to monitor around the clock.

Besides, federal officials have had a more pressing logistical concern — overflow in the original 112-space parking lot, sometimes causing petty fights over spots. It was built in the 1980s as a rest area when the state was revamping Interstate 70 through the canyon.

For three summers, the Forest Service and its local partners have resorted to stationing rangers at the entrance to direct traffic and maintain a queue until spaces open up. Sometimes, they close access and send drivers back onto I-70. With the installati­on of the waiting area and a gate, the lot for one of Colorado’s most popular hiking destinatio­ns now has 100 spaces, with little room for more.

As the rangers return to their posts at the front of the lot this Memorial Day weekend, Forest Service officials are looking ahead at permanent solutions in coming years — including, potentiall­y, a shuttle system during peak times or other options that could include a fee of some kind at the currently free site.

At risk, officials say, is the fragile white travertine that lines the shore and covers rocks and logs. Formed by deposits of dissolved limestone, it reflects light to give the lake its aqua hue. But oils from human

skin and sunscreen can affect the deposition, rangers say.

Decisions coming in the next year or so to further restrict access to the small, 1.5-acre lake are likely to involve tough choices, said Aaron Mayville, the acting district ranger for the Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District.

“Some people want the lake to themselves,” he said. “Other people are totally fine sharing it with 200 of their closest friends. I think the sweet spot lies somewhere in between, of course.”

Perfect setting

On a Friday in mid-May, just before the start of the busy season, the parking lot was nearly full, but trail traffic was light. Hikers spread out on the boardwalk the Forest Service maintains above the water’s edge, where it trickles down the mountainsi­de.

Under bright blue skies, the lake served as the perfect backdrop for Chris Choi and Erin Koh.

Choi asked a stranger to take a picture. Against the gentle background roar of Bridal Veil Falls, he whispered, “I’m going to propose to her.”

He knelt on the water’s edge and pulled out the ring case.

After more than two years together, Choi and Koh, both 28, traveled from New Jersey for a mountain vacation in Aspen. The proposal, expected by Koh, was a matter of finding the right place.

“It’s beautiful,” said Koh, still regaining her senses. “This is my first time in Colorado. It’s so beautiful, everywhere I go.”

Also at the lake was Siga Andrew, who made a repeat stop at Hanging Lake while driving her 19-year-old daughter, Sidney, back from the University of Nevada to their Boulder home for summer break.

Mark Lambert, 63, a software programmer from Tennessee who remembers taking his son to Hanging Lake years ago, was there with co-workers from across the country on a day of exploratio­n after a work retreat in Colorado Springs.

Schneider, 36, visited with Kansas resident Adrienne Chamberlan­d, 28. Both are nurses spending the summer working at Roundup River Ranch in nearby Gypsum.

And Colorado served as a vacation meeting point for the Shoos brothers. Ryan, 26, is a budding actor in Los Angeles, while Connor, 24, a student adviser for a study-abroad program, traveled from Portland, Maine, with their parents, John Shoos and Lisa Merchant.

“The water color right here, looking over this waterfall, is freaking gorgeous,” Ryan Shoos said.

The journey to Hanging Lake was longer for Mousa “Moses” Alramadhan and his wife, Zahra Hamadah. Originally from Saudi Arabia, they now live in Houston, where Alramadhan, 29, is a graduate student. They were staying at a lodge in Edwards for three days when they visited Hanging Lake.

“The people there told me, ‘Just forget about Vail and go for Hanging Lake,’ ” he said. “Definitely worth it … (but) it’s a tough hike.”

Interest in Hanging Lake has exploded since the National Park Service designated the site as a National Natural Landmark in 2011. Another contributo­r is its prominence on hiking and vacation websites that funnel people there when they search for places to visit in Colorado.

But the Glenwood Springs Chamber Resort Associatio­n, which says the Hanging Lake page is the most viewed on its website VisitGlenw­, says visitors aren’t always prepared for the nodog rule or the difficulty of the trail.

Some attempt the steep hike in flip-flops or, worse, don’t expect the parking lot to be full.

“Believe me, when people come into the visitor center, it’s like it’s the end of the world,” said Lisa Langer, the associatio­n’s vice president of tourism marketing.

Trail advocates also have tried to educate visitors about what to expect. Some also have tried to shame visitors who post pictures of forbidden activities on social media, with the Aspen Trail Finder website using the hashtag #savehangin­glake.

That site also created a mock website, HangingLak­eAdventure­, that promotes canoeing, diving, fishing and log-balancing — with links that all go to a page proclaimin­g, “You can’t do that at Hanging Lake!”

New plans

The rangers’ patrols at the lot at least have smoothed parking woes, said Mayville, the district ranger.

This year, the seasonal rangers will be there Fridays through Mondays until at least Labor Day. The Forest Service has provided nearly $100,000 a year for two rangers and to pay the Volpe center, an analyst arm of the U.S. Department of Transporta­tion that has studied Hanging Lake’s challenges.

Glenwood Springs and Garfield County each have kicked in money for an additional ranger each, and this year a state grant is paying for two more.

Volpe’s Hanging Lake Capacity Study, released Thursday, found that during a week studied by its analysts in July, the parking lotmanaged days recorded more visitors, but they were spread longer over the course of the day as people learned to come before 10 a.m. or after 3 p.m.

But what still worries Mayville is the environmen­tal impact, from water quality to the trail. Constructe­d at 2 feet wide, it’s now 6 to 8 feet in places because of bottleneck­s.

Volpe examined three scenarios in which the Forest Service could restrict access. By reducing allowed capacity by 30 percent — from 1,100 a day to 780 a day — visitors would encounter one less person per 100 feet on the trail. A more severe “environmen­tally sensitive” reduction in capacity, by 60 percent, would keep visitation at just 360 a day. How would that happen? Depending on the level of restrictio­n desired, the Forest Service could institute a trail fee, create a timed-ticketing system or begin a public or private shuttle service from Glenwood Springs.

One model: the Maroon Bells near Aspen. From mid-June to early October, visitors who don’t arrive at the gate before 8 a.m. — entry costs $10 per car — must take a private shuttle costing $6-$8 from the Aspen Highlands parking lot, with many connecting via a free public bus from downtown Aspen.

“It’s looking more and more like a shuttle system might be the best option” for Hanging Lake, Mayville said. “Ideally, we’d love to have something in place by next summer,” but 2018 may be more likely.

The Volpe center is working on a transit feasibilit­y analysis, and Mayville said the Forest Service may conduct a federal environmen­tal assessment, which would focus on infrastruc­ture changes and the socioecono­mic impact on visitors of fees or shuttle charges.

“The most important thing is to protect that resource and that attraction,” said Langer, from the Chamber Resort Associatio­n. “So if there is a charge to go there, I think it will encourage people to take better care of that resource. … I think it’s imperative that we start looking toward the future in that regard — because sadly, it could be closed or ruined to the point that it would not be able to be salvaged. We want generation­s after generation­s to be able to enjoy it.

“If that’s what it takes, then we’re definitely supportive of it.”

 ??  ?? Hanging Lake, as breathtaki­ng a spot as you can find in Colorado’s high country, is being loved to death by visitors, forest rangers fear. Visitation has surged, creating concerns about a widening foot path and diminished water quality. Hyoung Chang,...
Hanging Lake, as breathtaki­ng a spot as you can find in Colorado’s high country, is being loved to death by visitors, forest rangers fear. Visitation has surged, creating concerns about a widening foot path and diminished water quality. Hyoung Chang,...
 ?? Source: Bing Aerial The Denver Post ??
Source: Bing Aerial The Denver Post
 ??  ?? Hanging Lake has been at risk from the crush of visitors who stomp up the trail and walk around — and sometimes in — the lake and its feeder waterfall. Hyoung Chang, The Denver Post
Hanging Lake has been at risk from the crush of visitors who stomp up the trail and walk around — and sometimes in — the lake and its feeder waterfall. Hyoung Chang, The Denver Post

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