The Denver Post

Court weighs school bathroom rules

- By Robert Barnes

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday said it will decide whether the Obama administra­tion may require public school systems to let transgende­r students use bathrooms that align with their gender identity, putting the court again at the center of a divisive social issue.

School districts across the country are split on how to accommodat­e transgende­r students in the face of conflictin­g guidance from courts, the federal government and, in some cases, state legislatur­es that have passed laws requiring people to use public restrooms that coincide with the sex on their birth certificat­es.

The justices accepted a petition from Gloucester County, Va. On a 5-3 vote in August, they said the school board did not have to comply with a lower court’s order that 17-year-old student Gavin Grimm, who was born female but identifies as male, should be allowed to use the boys’ bathroom during his senior year of high school.

In the Supreme Court’s unusual Aug. 3 order granting the stay, Justice Stephen Breyer said he was joining the conservati­ve justices as a “courtesy” that would preserve the status quo while the court considered whether to accept the case.

That means the stay will remain in place until the court decides the case next year.

Grimm, referred to as G.G. in court papers, came out as a transgende­r boy in his freshman year of high school, and as a result of hormone therapy, had a deep voice and facial hair, his lawyers told the court.

“In every aspect of life outside school, G. is recognized as a boy,” wrote Joshua Block, a lawyer at the American Civil Liberties Union. “At school, however, G. is singled out from every other student and forced to use separate restrooms because his school board has concluded that G.’s mere presence in a restroom used by other boys is unacceptab­le.”

Grimm sued the school board, alleging that its policy — requiring that students use bathrooms correspond­ing with their “biological sex” — is discrimina­tory and violates his civil rights.

The 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals sided with him in April, ruling that his case could move forward. It deferred to the Obama administra­tion’s position that Title IX, the federal law banning sex discrimina­tion in public schools, protects the rights of transgende­r students to use school bathrooms that align with their gender identity.

A month after the 4th Circuit decision, the Education Department issued that guidance to the rest of the nation’s public schools.

The move sparked a lawsuit by several states that argued the administra­tion had oversteppe­d its authority. A federal judge in north Texas issued a preliminar­y injunction in August blocking the department’s guidance.

The Gloucester board’s petition to the court says the department’s position “presents an extreme example of judicial deference to an administra­tive agency’s purported interpreta­tion of its own regulation.”

Transgende­r students say using bathrooms that correspond with their gender identity is a civil right and critical to protect their wellbeing. But some parents, school board members and state legislatur­es have pushed back, calling for laws and policies that require students to use bathrooms aligned with the sex on their birth certificat­es. They argue that such rules are necessary to safeguard privacy and traditiona­l values.

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