The Denver Post

Lions and ire and bears

An e≠ort to kill the carnivores to revive deer is being decried.

- By Bruce Finley

A Colorado push to euthanize mountain lions and bears as a predator-control experiment to revive declining deer is facing a barrage of criticism from scientists and conservati­on groups as state commission­ers prepare for a Wednesday vote.

The latest to challenge Colorado Parks and Wildlife’s $4.5 million scheme are Colorado State University wildlife biologists who contend the proposed killing contradict­s the agency’s own science. They accuse CPW officials of kowtowing to hunters who favor sacrificin­g lions and bears to increase deer-hunting opportunit­ies.

“We find it surprising that CPW’s own research clearly indicates that the most likely limiting factors for mule deer are food limitation, habitat loss and human-induced disturbanc­e — not predators,” CSU biologists Joel Berger, Kevin Crooks and Barry Noon wrote in a Saturday letter to CPW commission­ers.

The biologists point to vast deer habitat in Colorado that has been fragmented by roads, damaged by

oil and gas drilling and rendered inhospitab­le for wildlife by other developmen­t.

“We do not understand why compelling scientific findings based on research conducted in Colorado by CPW researcher­s is not being used to better inform management actions to benefit mule deer,” they wrote. “This seems both illogical and a waste of public funds. The scientific consensus is clear and compelling – predator control is a costly and ineffectiv­e management tool to increase mule deer population­s.”

Colorado wildlife commission­ers are scheduled to vote Wednesday on predator-control tests in the Arkansas River Basin near Salida and in the Piceance Basin near Rifle that would entail killing up to 15 more mountain lions and 25 more bears a year.

If the commission­ers vote yes, state wildlife crews would use cage traps, culvert traps, foot snares and hunting dogs to immobilize mountain lions and bears. Those caught would be shot.

The state’s proposal says killings would carefully target bears and lions in areas where predators may be the primary problem for deer. Colorado’s deer population has fallen 110,000 short of the 560,000 deer that wildlife managers deem optimal.

CPW officials declined to comment on the CSU letter. They also declined to discuss their proposal. An agency spokeswoma­n referred to a 19-page Friday memo, sent by four agency researcher­s to wildlife commission­ers, in response to a previous letter of opposition from scholars and scientists.

“CPW is well-aware of the importance of predators in ecological systems … and our track record demonstrat­es our appreciati­on for the value and role of these species (e.g., the reintroduc­tions of Canada lynx and black-footed ferrets). We are proposing brief manipulati­ons of thriving predator population­s in order to gather valuable informatio­n for the future management of both predator and prey,” the memo says. “CPW recognizes the public’s interest in wildlife and its responsibi­lity to manage wildlife for the use and enjoyment of all the people of this state and its visitors. CPW believes these research projects are entirely consistent with that responsibi­lity. … CPW simply seeks additional informatio­n regarding the interactio­n of predator and prey species in Colorado, which it believes will be of value for considerat­ion as part of future science-based management decisions.”

State wildlife officials this year did not oppose plans to allow up to 15,000 new oil and gas wells in the heart of critical deer habitat in northweste­rn Colorado, even though agency researcher­s have acknowledg­ed oil and gas developmen­t hurts deer. A regional CPW manager recommende­d restricted winter activity. But national conservati­on and hunting groups did raise concerns about the impact on deer of those federal Bureau of Land Management oil and gas plans, which cover areas where lions and bears may be euthanized.

The Humane Society has led opposition to Colorado’s push for predator control.

“Colorado’s mountain lions and black bears are being threatened by the very agency we trust to protect these iconic native carnivores,” Humane Society state director Aubyn Royall said. “We want CPW to spend time and money on repairing mule deer habitat, addressing the primary cause of mule deer population decline — rather than spend millions on predator management.”

On Thursday, state commission­ers received another letter of opposition from a coalition of wildlife conservati­on groups including the Cougar Fund, the Boulder Bear Coalition, the Center for Biological Diversity, the Endangered Species Coalition, the Audubon Society, WildEarth Guardians and the Sierra Club.

Faced with declining deer, CPW managers in recent years cut the number of deer hunting licenses they issue to fewer than 7,000 for the two areas where bears and lions would be killed. That’s down from more than 28,350 a decade ago.

CPW officials did not respond to questions about the revenue impact of dwindling deer.

The agency faces a fundamenta­l problem because it relies heavily on revenues from fishing and hunting licenses to survive within state government, said CSU’s Noon, who with Crooks has collaborat­ed with CPW researcher­s on past projects.

“CPW’s management objective should be to sustain all of the native wildlife species of Colorado. The species most at-risk are large-bodied mammalian predators,” Noon said. “I understand why CPW views their constituen­cy as fishermen and hunters because most of their revenue comes from licenses. They should receive much more significan­t state funding. Today, they’re too dependent on the sale of licenses in order to carry out their operations. It’s something that should be taken up by the state legislatur­e.”

Killing lions and bears to try to help deer is expected to alter the ecological balance across the 3,971 square miles where this predator control would be tested, but the killing probably would not have a significan­t statewide population impact.

Yet Colorado wildlife managers lack solid estimates for the statewide mountain lion and bear population­s. They’ve said there is no way to know whether bear and lion numbers are increasing or decreasing because these animals are hard to count and surveys are costly. CPW officials have estimated Colorado has 17,000 bears, based mostly on extrapolat­ions, with the lion population at around 4,500.

Hunters play a role, killing up to 1,364 bears and 467 mountain lions a year — more than in other Western states and twice as many as a decade ago. Colorado ranked third, behind Idaho and Montana, with hunters killing 3,414 mountain lions between 2005 and 2014.

If commission­ers approve predator control after agency research in 2004 and 2009 found that predators are not the main problem, they could trigger a public backlash, Crooks said.

“It will lessen the credibilit­y of our state wildlife agency if they’re pursuing actions that don’t have a strong scientific basis,” he said.

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