The Denver Post

Rare chimaera filmed live in 2009 is a fish come true

- By Amy B. Wang

Like its Greek mythologic­al namesake, the chimaera — or “ghost shark” — is a mysterious, rarely seen creature with a patchwork of bizarre features.

Dwelling in the depths of the ocean, its eyes are pale and seemingly dead.

Where teeth should be, the ghost shark uses tooth plates instead to grind food.

Their heads are lined with cryptic dots, like the remnant scars of ancient stitches.

Male chimaeras have retractabl­e sex organs — on their foreheads.

Its other nicknames — ratfish, rabbitfish, spookfish — hint at how bizarre chimaeras are in appearance.

And now, scientists believe they have captured on video a species of ghost shark that had never before been filmed live: the pointy-nosed blue chimaera.

The actual video was taken in 2009 but was only recently released by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, along with a paper by researcher Lonny Lundsten and his colleagues at the institute.

Six years ago, researcher­s from the nonprofit sent an ROV, or remotely operated vehicle, on several dives off the waters of central California and Hawaii.

The ROVs captured footage from depths of up to 6,700 feet.

What they returned with surprised researcher­s: On film was what appeared to be a species of ghost shark previously only caught in the southweste­rn Pacific Ocean.

According to his paper, Lundsten consulted with three chimaera experts who watched the video from the diving expedition­s. All believed the fish was, in fact, a pointy-nosed blue chimaera.

Still, Lundsten and others from the Monterey Bay Aquarium institute can’t be 100 percent certain that the fish captured on video is a pointy-nosed blue chimaera, despite their similar physical characteri­stics. Because of that, the paper refers to the fish they recorded as Hydrolagus cf.trolli, rather than its scientific name, Hydrolagus trolli.

To be absolutely sure, researcher­s would have to capture the ghost shark and bring it back to the surface, the institute said.

“This is much easier said than done, because these fish are generally too large, fast and agile to be caught,” the institute notes.

The pointy-nosed blue chimaera was first discovered in 2002.

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