The Denver Post

Paying for news and the social contract

- By Chuck Plunkett

Earlier this year I visited an old writing professor — a novelist — and his long-suffering wife. Unsurprisi­ngly, we took up the subject of contempora­ry writing.

We were talking about fiction, but when I observed that for years I’ve thought some of the best writing that gets done anymore comes out of newsrooms, these wise and decent people readily and heartily agreed.

I’ve been thinking about that conversati­on in light recent reports that show Google and Facebook are sucking most of the money out of digital advertisin­g, imperiling newsrooms even as our content helps enrich those companies.

It was such a rewarding moment in the conversati­on: a capital W writer saying that us inky wretches sometimes ring the bell — that beyond doing the basics of reporting the news, holding government accountabl­e, speaking

truth to power and giving voice to the voiceless, we also have among us those able to turn a phrase like few others, and those able to tell human stories that readers love.

The same applies to those in the opinion business, of course. I’m routinely amazed at the columns, editorials, letters and other forms of opinion writing that contribute to what it is we mean when we are talking about contempora­ry writing.

And yes, the sausage-making nature of our business produces plenty of goofs and fodder for critics. Granted. And it is always right to condemn those mistakes.

The hard truth of that fact makes the standouts all the more amazing. What’s more, the accomplish­ment of many print journalist­s is especially remarkable when you consider that they must build their stories on factual reporting, and not depart into fiction, as my novelist friend gleefully reminded me.

If you like print journalism and consider yourself a wellread consumer of the news, you’ve never lived in a better time in some ways. The internet makes it simple and almost al- ways free to read stories from newsrooms big and small all over the globe.

Of course, in other ways, it’s a rough and even dismal time. It costs a lot of money to run a newsroom. And increasing­ly the market realities for news-gathering mean staffing cuts and cuts to the print product that rob communitie­s of the usefulness and the magic.

Which brings us to the point. What is one’s responsibi­lity when it comes to paying for the news? Shouldn’t supporting newsrooms be a part of the social contract?

In my personal life, I long ago came to believe that if I was going to contribute to society and live a serious life, I owed something to the profession­s that helped me do so.

After all, I pay for novels. I pay to see fine films and good music to support those artists. I pay to see exhibits, and plays and concerts. I support those contributi­ons to the Big Conversati­on, and happily so.

I’ve wanted to write a column like this one for years, but the built-in fear of coming off as needy or corny — or greedy — has kept me silent. And in the early days of the Great Decline, such a column would have mostly been read by the paying customers anyway. Making the point would’ve been redundant, and perhaps insulting.

But now we’ve raised a generation that believes all news should be wonderful, plentiful and free. There is the increasing­ly false hope that online ads are keeping newsrooms afloat.

Given that I read a lot of national and internatio­nal news, I figured, I ought to subscribe to at least one national paper or site. Somewhere that idea rose to two subscripti­ons. Given that I read a lot of local news, I of course believe I owe the same to at least one good hometown newsroom.

If I tire of a subscripti­on, I switch to another paper. Obviously, I want to keep up the kind of market competitio­n that keeps journalist­s on their toes.

Such a practice lets me feel like I’m holding up my end of the social contract. If all consumers of the news followed such a practice, the industry would be a little healthier.

Sure, it’s an idea that might seem so hopelessly prim-andproper as to be worth heaps of derision from the hard-eyed realists of the world.

Except that it’s not. And more of us should say so.

 ??  ?? E-mail editorial page editor Chuck Plunkett at Follow him on Twitter: @chuckplunk­ett
E-mail editorial page editor Chuck Plunkett at Follow him on Twitter: @chuckplunk­ett

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