The Denver Post

Drone warfare escalation

Pentagon braces for tactics using more-advanced “suicide” devices

- By Dan Lamothe

The Pentagon, concerned about the danger that small, armed drones pose to U.S. troops, is moving forward with a project that looks beyond remote-control aircraft used by the Islamic State to an even more complex problem: an aerial raid of autonomous suicide bombers.

The unmanned bombers have not yet appeared in combat, but defense officials already are researchin­g how to stop them. Laden with explosives or other dangerous materials, they would operate by crashing into U.S. troops in a combat zone and would not be as easy to detect as existing drones used by the Islamic State, because they would not rely on radio frequencie­s for remote controllin­g. Instead, they would be programmed to carry out a specific mission, making them especially hard to see coming.

The effort to stop the aircraft is known as the Mobile Force Protection Program and is overseen by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, which examines ways that technology can help the U.S. military. DARPA anticipate­s awarding contracts within weeks for the first of three phases of testing and research, said J.C. Ledé, who oversees the program.

“Right now, the best way of detecting that there is an unmanned airplane is by listening for that radio signal,” Ledé said. “Once they stop emitting that radio signal, they’re going to get a lot harder to find.”

Early stages of the research were launched in October with a solicitati­on to industry, and final proposals for the first phase are due in January, according to DARPA documents. The program is focused specifical­ly on going beyond using electronic jamming to stop unmanned planes and helicopter­s of up to 200 pounds. Each company picked is expected to get about $3 million in the first phase, with the possibilit­y of continuing on to two subsequent phases of work that are longer and more lucrative.

Ledé said he and his team focused on defending a convoy with important cargo aboard, because it is more complicate­d than defending a stationary target and because what is learned will apply in other circumstan­ces. Unmanned aircraft are now “sufficient­ly inexpensiv­e” that the U.S. military must anticipate some of them may be flown directly into U.S. troops or vehicles as part of an attack, he said.

“If you are going to attack a high-value convoy, I think they would be willing to commit the hardware to it,” he said. “At most, it’s a few thousand dollars worth of hardware for a UAV.”

The effort comes as the U.S. military more broadly examines an array of ways to take out potential enemy drones. Lt. Col. Dave Sousa, who examines the problem for the Marines, said shotguns, sniper rifles, water cannons, mini-rockets and lasers all have been considered, and the services increasing­ly are working together on the problem.

“When you’re more than a couple hundred meters out, you can’t tell what that thing is carrying,” Sousa said of unmanned aircraft. “You can’t tell if it has a GoPro camera . ... You don’t know what it is. So you’ve got to detect, track and ID, and then there’s how you’re going to deal with that threat.”

In Iraq and Syria, Islamic State militants have loaded grenades on small drones and used them to attack civilians and local forces working to drive them out. In Ukraine, proRussian separatist­s and Ukrainian soldiers have used small unmanned aircraft to find and track opposing forces. The United States sent Ukraine some mini-drones last year, but Russian-backed separatist­s were able to easily jam them, rendering them relatively useless, according to a Reuters report.

Army officials said in a strategy paper published in October that enemy drones could be stopped in some cases with cyber or electronic warfare or concealmen­t through methods such as smokescree­ns but that small units of U.S. troops probably will

 ??  ?? Members of the Iraqi forces attempt to fly a drone to spot positions of Islamic State terrorists in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. Aris Messinis, AFP/Getty Images
Members of the Iraqi forces attempt to fly a drone to spot positions of Islamic State terrorists in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul. Aris Messinis, AFP/Getty Images

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