The Denver Post

A Capitol salute to a CSU icon

- By Thomas E. Cronin and Robert D. Loevy

What do Republican U.S. Sen. Cory Gardner, former Democratic Gov. Bill Ritter, Democratic state Sen. Matt Jones, and Republican state Rep. Dan Nordberg, among many others, all have in common?

They studied politics and learned to love political participat­ion at the knee of John Straayer, the Colorado State University political science professor who is retiring later this year after a 50-year teaching career.

Meanwhile, Colorado state elected officials have not approved this year’s budget and are haggling over key legislativ­e measures, such as a major highway bill, but they will be coming together in noteworthy bipartisan­ship on Thursday to formally salute Straayer.

His trademark legislativ­e internship program has brought student interns from CSU to the state Capitol in Denver for the last 37 years.

Straayer has not only supplied more than 1,000 interns who have worked at the state legislatur­e. He personally drove himself and the students in one of the university’s vans from Fort Collins to Denver every Tuesday and Thursday every spring semester when the legislatur­e was in session.

That’s 64 miles each way, two days a week, for four months or so — about 140,000 miles over 37 years.

His interns have put in sevento eight-hour days assisting legislator­s in all facets of their jobs. The students have worked at constituen­cy service, policy research, and attending public hearings.

Straayer arranged all these internship­s, monitored them, and graded the reports of their experience­s. Dozens of Straayer’s interns have later risen to high electoral office or become key legislativ­e lobbyists. And not just in Colorado. One of his former students is a city alderman in Chicago.

State Rep. Jeni James Arndt praises Straayer for “nurturing two generation­s of young people in the most important forms of civic engagement.” Prominent lobbyist Ed Bowditch says Straayer’s “dedication to his students, his state, and representa­tive government is unmatched.”

Straayer is also a widely cited writer on both Colorado and American politics. His book “The Colorado General Assembly” is a must-read for legislator­s any anyone else who deals with the legislatur­e. He has become one of the staunchest advocates of a strong, independen­t and sovereign legislativ­e branch.

He believes term limits and a number of other citizen initiative­s, such as the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, have seriously eroded legislativ­e governance in Colorado; and he unapologet­ically yearns for the way the legislatur­e operated in the 1980s when it exercised more authority and was less handicappe­d by various constituti­onal amendments on raising taxes.

He notes that various “reform” efforts, such as Amendment 41, under the guise of ethics improvemen­ts, have had the unanticipa­ted consequenc­e of greatly diminishin­g collegiali­ty among the legislator­s.

He is not optimistic that these so-called reforms will be repealed.

Straayer has earned “tenure” in the Capitol’s basement coffee shop and has become part of the community at the Capitol. He not only is one of the state’s experts on how the General Assembly operates, he also is a fountain of inside gossip on what goes on under the Capitol dome.

“People should not blame the legislatur­e for failing to solve all our transporta­tion and higher education problems,” says Straayer. “They are doing the best that can be expected with all the taxing restraints we put on them through the citizen initiative process.”

Straayer has nothing but high praise for those who serve in the legislatur­e, yet he emphasizes that mindless eight-year term limits foolishly “kick out the seniors and bring in the freshmen.” To him, it is now a legislatur­e of “rookies and novices.”

Hooray for John Straayer and his invaluable work as a civic educator, scholar and tenacious champion of representa­tive government. And hooray for his being honored this Thursday, from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. under the Capitol’s gold dome.

 ??  ?? Colorado State University political science professor John Straayer is retiring later this year. Denver Post file
Colorado State University political science professor John Straayer is retiring later this year. Denver Post file
 ??  ?? Thomas E. Cronin and Robert D. Loevy are political scientists at Colorado College.
Thomas E. Cronin and Robert D. Loevy are political scientists at Colorado College.
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