The Denver Post

Leadership is lacking in constructi­on defects battle

- By Scott Gessler

The legislativ­e deadlock over constructi­on defect liability has revealed an ugly truth: our state government can’t solve pressing urban problems. Our governor and mayors look on from the sidelines, while two interest groups negotiate over the critical housing issue facing our cities. Political leadership is in short supply.

Colorado is growing incredibly fast, and we have an opportunit­y to build communitie­s and get it right. Most Front Range cities love high-density developmen­t — especially around mass transit stations. In Denver, transit-oriented developmen­t is a firmly held religion, while in Boulder it approaches a fetish. Environmen­talists, liberal politician­s, and city planners all see it as the solution to everything that ails us: from affordable housing to carbon emissions to obesity.

Conservati­ves agree that condos are a good way to give people options to buy a home.

But Colorado’s urban planners face a problem. Builders won’t build condominiu­ms. Instead, we see new, high-end rentals. Why? Condominiu­m builders tend to get sued for every problem, real or imagined.

No solution is on the horizon, and we’ve seen only stalemate for four years. To be sure, Democratic leadership just allowed a House committee to hear a bill that would require a majority of condominiu­m owners to agree to a lawsuit, rather than a vote by a homeowner associatio­n. Just reading that sentence fills one with enthusiasm. With all of the hype about “critical” progress, you’d think that the Versailles peace treaty had been announced. It’s more like the negotiator­s had finally agreed to use a rectangula­r table, rather than a round one.

One would think that city-based legislator­s would lead the charge to change our constructi­on-defect laws.

Not at all. Last year’s speaker of the House came from Boulder, but she consistent­ly blocked constructi­on-defect reform.

And Gov. John Hickenloop­er used to be Denver’s Mayor Hickenloop­er, but he has skillfully and deftly disappeare­d. He has done such a good job of keeping things off of his desk that the media has “normalized” his behavior. Today, we simply expect that our state’s chief executive will be far away from the critical issues facing our state.

Meanwhile, our current Denver mayor, along with the leadership in other cities, wants to see reform. But he’s basically watching from the sidelines. He cheers progress. He applauds compromise­s. But he isn’t in the middle of the action.

So who is? Who does the negotiatin­g and compromisi­ng? First and foremost, this battle rages between the homebuilde­rs and the trial lawyers. For now, the trial lawyers are on the defensive. But they can hold their own, and they have locked up the Democratic caucus to frustrate any change. In their dreams and rhetoric, Democratic legislator­s may love highdensit­y developmen­t, but in the legislatur­e they march to the trial lawyers’ drumbeat.

How did we get to a place where liberal, Democratic legislator­s routinely ignore mayors, city leadership and environmen­talists, while our governor runs far away from a really important issue?

Campaign finance is probably the biggest offender, by magnifying the strength of special-interest groups and stifling others, such as other elected officials or party leadership. The Democratic caucus just won’t go against trial lawyer wishes, because trial lawyers heavily fund their campaigns. (A similar dynamic often plays out on the Republican side).

Another offender is legislativ­e gerrymande­ring. The reapportio­nment commission no longer draws districts to reflect communitie­s. Rather, partisan makeup dominates everything, and every 10 years the game is who can jam through a 6-5 vote on the statewide legislativ­e reapportio­nment commission.

Finally, much of our political class has taken on a “broker” mentality. They view their sole job as finding a way to mediate between competing interest groups. And those are the most dedicated public servants working in a highly flawed system.

The fact remains we really want a good supply of affordable housing in our cities. When people buy a home, they buy into a community. And we should all want stable communitie­s. But yet again, state leadership can’t fix the problem, so we will have to wait around until the trial lawyers and the homebuilde­rs negotiate a deal.

 ??  ?? Scott Gessler is a former Colorado secretary of state and a Denver attorney.
Scott Gessler is a former Colorado secretary of state and a Denver attorney.

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