The Denver Post

Pick for rules czar would hand more power to Trump Who is Neomi Rao

- By Steven Mufson

washington» Neomi Rao, a little-known law professor at George Mason University, could soon become one of the most powerful officials in Washington.

President Donald Trump has nominated the conservati­ve lawyer to run the obscure but powerful Office of Informatio­n and Regulatory Affairs, a gateway through which federal regulation­s must pass.

The office, known as OIRA, would make Rao the Trump administra­tion’s regulatory czar, responsibl­e for vetting and tallying cost estimates for most regulation­s. The office also resolves conflicts between agencies, and can either sink a rule or send it back for major rewrites.

Rao also would be in a position to promote her conservati­ve views. A critic of “the administra­tive state” that White House chief strategist Stephen K. Bannon has vowed to deconstruc­t, Rao has written that the independen­ce of federal agencies should be abolished, their rules subject to White House review, and the heads of those agencies subject to dismissal by the president.

The federal mediator

In past administra­tions, the OIRA administra­tor has played the role of a check on ideology, but with Rao and many department chiefs all pushing for deregulati­on, OIRA’s role as objective analyst could be compromise­d.

“OIRA is the mediator, the referee when agencies are trying to put through regulation­s,” said Ted Gayer, director of economic studies at the Brookings Institutio­n. “It could be enormously influentia­l in any administra­tion and in this administra­tion even more so because so much of the efforts are going to be on the deregulati­on side rather than legislativ­e accomplish­ments.”

Trump’s executive order that two regulation­s must be eliminated for every new regulation – and with costs and benefits that match – hands even greater authority to OIRA.

In addition, because of the growth of sciencebas­ed regulation­s, OIRA increasing­ly has weighed in on controvers­ial science debates. About a decade ago it hired experts in public health, toxicology, engineerin­g and other technical fields to supplement its experts on policy and economics. Under Trump, it also may have to deal with climate issues.

People familiar with Rao’s writing say it does not Neomi Rao has an impeccable conservati­ve track record. A graduate of Yale University and the University of Chicago Law School, she clerked for Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. In 2016 when Thomas’ clerks set up a laudatory website about him, Rao told USA Today that he was “more willing to go back and overturn precedents, to go back and find the original meaning of the Constituti­on.” Rao also served as an associate counsel and special assistant to President George W. Bush. Later, she moved to George Mason where she received tenure in 2012. In 2015, she founded the Center for the Study of the Administra­tive State. Events there have featured critics of federal regulation. Washington Post show whether as OIRA director she would stand up to an administra­tion bent on tearing down much of the government’s regulatory regime. Trump has said that “we can cut regulation­s by 75 percent.” But the OIRA director typically lays out the cost of eliminatin­g regulation­s as well as adopting them.

Among the more controvers­ial aspects of Rao’s writings is her support for the power of the president and the need to bring independen­t agencies under the control of the White House.

One example: Rao has written the Dodd-Frank financial reform law’s creation of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, whose director can be removed only for “inefficien­cy, neglect of duty or malfeasanc­e in office,” violated the Constituti­on and was based on acceptance of “virtually unlimited congressio­nal authority to impose limits on presidenti­al control.”

A case challengin­g the CFPB’s independen­ce is before the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit. But Rao’s critique extends far beyond the CFPB.

Supporting president

Rao “appears to support bringing independen­t regulatory agencies like the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Federal Communicat­ions Commission and the Federal Reserve under OIRA review, which would be a major expansion of OIRA and White House control,” Curtis W. Copeland, formerly a specialist in American government at the Congressio­nal Research Service, said in an email.

“There is also a recent article where she indicates that the president should be able to fire the heads of independen­t regulatory agencies (who currently have ‘for cause’ removal protection),” Copeland added. “Congress set up these agencies to be independen­t of the president. If the president can fire the heads of these agencies, and (through OIRA) can say whether or not they can issue significan­t regulation­s, that is a huge change.”

The Supreme Court has upheld the independen­ce of certain agencies going back more than a century to cases involving the Federal Trade and Interstate Commerce commission­s.

Not surprising­ly, some liberal groups have opposed Rao, who must be confirmed by the Senate.

“President Trump has proclaimed that his intent is to defang regulatory agencies and gut regulatory protection­s,” Robert Weissman, president of Public Citizen, said in a statement. “But the OIRA administra­tor has a duty to ensure implementa­tion of the laws of the land, which require government agencies to issue new rules to advance their missions, not to give corporatio­ns a free hand to pollute and pilfer, poison and profiteer.”

In articles and congressio­nal testimony, Rao also has advocated limiting the authority of federal agencies to draw up rules in areas left ambiguous by legislatio­n. She has said that Congress must spell out clearly what it wants agencies to do. Critics, however, say that when it comes to technical regulation­s, lawmakers lack the expertise to write detailed regulation­s.

OIRA, created as part of the Office of Management and Budget by the Paperwork Reduction Act in 1980 under President Jimmy Carter, was given a broader role under President Ronald Reagan to review the impact of regulation­s. Under Reagan’s OIRA director James Miller, the office became known as “the black hole where rules would go and disappear,” said Thomas O. McGarity, a law professor at the University of Texas at Austin.

Some administra­tive law experts fear that Rao and Trump’s agency heads will all be pushing in the same direction.

“It is important for OIRA to act as a counterwei­ght to the agencies in the regulatory process,” said Ryan Bubb, a law professor at New York University and a former policy analyst at OIRA.

But there may be little friction between Rao and other Trump officials.

“Scott Pruitt is by all accounts going to focus on rolling back EPA regulation­s. Given his deregulato­ry tilt, the key question about Neomi Rao is whether she will be an effective counterwei­ght and force the EPA to justify its deregulato­ry actions on cost-benefit grounds,” Bubb said.

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